Plans starting in 2A

This chart is a list of some plans within the Faculty of Mathematics and their required non-mathematics courses. Please use this as a reference and guide to selecting your non-math courses. For a complete listing of all courses offered, please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar.

Plan name 

First-year elective courses and upper-year courses for later 

Actuarial Science 

MTHEL 131  is required before  admission  will be considered. 

ENGL 378  is the required List 2  communication   course, and is expected to be completed before enrolling in term 4A. A List 1  communication  course with a grade of at least 70% is a prerequisite for  ENGL 378

By completion of the plan:  AFM 101,  ECON 101, and  ECON 102

AFM 102  is strongly recommended since it is required for the Actuarial Science/Finance specialisation. 

(Actuarial Science)  


MTHEL 131  is required before  admission  will be considered. 

ENGL 378  is the required List 2 communication course, and is expected to be completed before enrolling in term 4A. A List 1  communication  course with a grade of at least 70% is a prerequisite for  ENGL 378

By completion of the plan:  AFM 101,  AFM 102,  ECON 101, and  ECON 102

(Actuarial Science)  

MTHEL 131  is required before  admission  will be considered. 

ENGL 378  is the required List 2  communication   course, and is expected to be completed before enrolling in term 4A. A List 1  communication  course with a grade of at least 70% is a prerequisite for  ENGL 378

By completion of the plan:  AFM 101,  ECON 101, and  ECON 102

Applied Math 

A  communication  course and any non-math courses of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

By completion of the plan: PHYS 121


A  communication  course and any non-math course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

(Applied Math)

A  communication  course and any non-math course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

By completion of the plan: PHYS 121

Recommended courses include  BIOL 130,  BIOL 239  and  BIOL 240


A  communication  course and any non-math course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

By completion of the plan: PHYS 121

Recommended courses include  ECON 101 and  ECON 102


PHYS 121  and a  communication  course are required in 1A. 

PHYS 122  and  GENE 123  are required in 1B. 

(Applied Math) 

A  communication  course and  PHYS 121  are required in 1A. 

A  communication  course and  PHYS 122  are required in 1B. 

Combinatorics and Optimization

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

Computational Mathematics 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

By the time you graduate you will need to have finished three courses in one non-math discipline: either economics, any science discipline or any single engineering discipline. At least one of these three courses must be at the 200, 300, or 400-level. 

Computer Science 

A  communication  course and any non-math course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 


Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. Students wanting to complete this option should apply for this limited-enrolment plan at the end of Spring 2023 and have taken or be taking CS 245/246. 

A  communication  course and any non-math course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

(Computer Science) 

Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. 

A  communication  course and any non-math courses from the list below in 1A and 1B. 

It is recommended that you choose your non-math courses from the following courses required for the option: BIOL 130,  130L,  239,  240,  240L,  

CHEM 120,  CHEM 120L,  CHEM 123,  CHEM 123L


Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. 

A.  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B.  

It is recommended that you consider one (or two) of the following courses for your non-math courses: AFM 101, AFM 102, AFM 131, BUS 111W, BUS 121W, ECON 101, ECON 102, MSE 211


(Computer Science)

Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. Students will not be signed into the specialisation until they have successfully completed FINE 100. 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

It is recommended that you consider one (or two) of  FINE 100  and  FINE 101  for your non-math courses.  

(Computer Science) 

Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. Enrolment in this plan normally occurs at the beginning of the 1B term and is determined by your grades in 1A. Students apply to be admitted to this option in December of their first year. 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

PHYS 121  is recommended in your first year.   

Note:  PHYS 121  in winter term is offered only as an online course) 

(Computer Science) 

Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B.  

It is recommended that you consider one (or two) of  ENGL 108D  and  FINE 150  for your non-mathematics courses.  

(Computer Science) 

Note: This plan is restricted to students already admitted to Computer Science. 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 


Note: Students must already be admitted to the co-op stream before a transfer to Computing and Financial Management (CFM) can be considered 

CFM students typically take the following courses during their first year: 

AFM 101, AFM 102, AFM 121, AFM 131, CS 135, CS 136, MATH 135, MATH 136, MATH 137, MATH 138 

Refer to the CFM website for the most recent degree requirements and sequence of courses


Note: Students must already be admitted to Computer Science before they can apply for this limited-enrolment plan. Students wanting to transfer to this from a BMATH program must first go through the competitive entry process to get into Computer Science. Students can apply to transfer to BCS Data Science in the term that they are taking STAT 231. 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A. 

In 1B, a  communication  course and  STAT 230  are highly recommended. 

(Data Science) 

Note: Students must be admitted to the BMath Data Science program. Students can apply in the term they are taking CS 136. Please note that it is highly competitive. 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A.  Any two non-math courses of your choosing in 1B.  

Information Technology Management 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

It is recommended that you consider two of the following courses for your non-math courses: AFM 101, AFM 102, BUS 111W, BUS 121W, ECON 101, ECON 102, MSE 211.  

Mathematical Economics 

A  communication  course in both 1A and 1B and  ECON 101  or  ECON 102

Both ECON 101 and ECON 102 are required in first year. 

Mathematical Finance 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

By completion of the plan, AFM 101, AFM 102, AFM 131, ECON 101, ECON 102 are required. 

Note:  MATH 147 is highly recommended. 

Mathematical Physics

A  communication  course is required in 1A and 1B.  PHYS 121 is required in 1A. PHYS 122 is required in 1B. 

Mathematical Studies

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

(Mathematical Studies) 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

Required courses by  completion of the plan include  ECON 101, ECON 102, AFM 101, AFM 102and either BUS 111W orAFM 131/ARBUS 101 and  


A  communication  course is required in 1A and 1B. PSYCH 101 and/or a course in the intended second teaching subject is recommended. 

Mathematics/Business Administration 

A  communication  course and one of  BUS 111W, ECON 101, ECON 102 and AFM 101 are normally taken in both your 1A and 1B terms. 

Financial Analysis and Risk Management (FARM)

A  communication  course and one of  ECON 101, ECON 102,  AFM 101 or AFM 131 in your 1B term. 

Pure Mathematics 

A  communication  course and any non-mathematics course of your choosing in 1A and 1B. 

Pure Math/Teaching 

A  communication  course is required in 1A and 1B. PSYCH 101  and/or a course in the intended second teaching subject is recommended. 



ENGL 378  is the required List 2  communication  course, and is expected to be completed before enrolling in term 4A. A List 1  communication  course with a grade of at least 70% is a prerequisite for  ENGL 378.  Any two non-math courses of your choosing in 1B. 


ENGL 378  is the required List 2  communication  course, and is expected to be completed before enrolling in term 4A. A List 1  communication  course with a grade of at least 70% is a prerequisite for  ENGL 378

Any two non-math courses of your choosing in 1B.  By completion of the plan, one additional course chosen from the following list are required:  BIOL 239, HLTH 101 and CS 338