All Math and CS courses will be delivered in-person for Fall 2025. Some of your courses may have components like a tutorial online, but in general, you should plan to study your courses on campus.
Your core Math courses will be offered in the following modes of learning in Fall 2025:
- In-person only, no online components
- In-person only, no online components
- In-person only, no online components
- In-person only, no online components
- In-person only, no online components
MATH 137 (physics-based)
- In-person only, no online components
- In-person only, no online components
- In-person only, no online components
It is important to note that circumstances may change before classes start in September, requiring us to make changes to these offerings.
How to interpret the Schedule of Classes for Fall 2025
The Schedule of Classes indicates the delivery method for each section in the Camp Loc portion of each course.

UW U – indicates that the class is in-person. You would need to be present in Waterloo and attend class on campus.
ONLN ONLINE – indicates that the class is delivered online only. Opportunities for synchronous learning will depend on the individual course.
BLND ONLINE – indicates that it is a blended course with components that are online and courses that are in-person.
BLND U - indicates that it is a blended course with components that are in-person and components that are online.