- Attendance
- Accommodations for disabilities and chronic health conditions
- Absences: Guidelines, Procedures, and Notification
- Notification procedures for absences
- Reporting of student absences by lab demonstrators, teaching assistants, other supervisors and administrative staff
- Consequences of not attending a mandatory activity
- Challenging the Committee’s Decision
Attendance Policy
Attendance is advantageous for student engagement and learning, and essential for participation-based activities (e.g., clinical practice, labs, and in-class active learning and assessments).
Full attendance demonstrates professionalism and respect for colleagues, faculty, staff and patients of the School of Optometry and Vision Science, given the work that accommodating absence creates.
However, special circumstances may warrant absence from a mandatory activity, and accommodation will be considered for reasonable requests from students. This policy articulates the School of Optometry and Vision Science’s requirements when undergraduate optometry students miss scheduled program activities in the optometry program. The intention of this policy is to have the student go through the Undergraduate Studies Committee (UGSC/the Committee) rather than contacting individual instructors, laboratory demonstrators or clinic personnel to communicate an absence. This is in place to circumvent situations where inconsistent decisions are made between instructors and/or students. Alerting an instructor, laboratory demonstrator or clinic to a sudden unplanned absence is, however, encouraged.
Mandatory and non-mandatory attendance
The following list differentiates student activities that require mandatory attendance from those that are non-mandatory:
Mandatory attendance
Clinical assignments
- Laboratories
- Small group sessions (TBL, grand rounds, etc.)
- Assessments—i.e., activities in which students are required to submit and/or engage in work for assessment (e.g., tests, final examinations, laboratory examinations)
Non-mandatory attendance (but recommended)
- Lectures and other large-group sessions (unless otherwise specified in the course outline).
Students are responsible for knowing the content covered in a session, regardless of whether they attend or not.
Principles related to notification and approval of absence from a mandatory activity
Although special circumstances may warrant an absence from a mandatory activity, students are responsible for submitting applications for any planned absence, and timely and satisfactory explanations for unplanned absences, from mandatory activity.
The USGC is responsible for decisions regarding student absence when the request concerns absence from a mandatory activity at WOVS.
Absence guidelines and procedures are described in the sections below.
For any absence, the course instructor will decide nature of the accommodation for the missed activity. There is no guarantee that missed course elements will be rescheduled. The course outline may indicate the consequence of missing a course element and may include transfer of the weight of the missed course element to the final examination.
Students should not make travel arrangements or other commitments before receiving a decision for an absence request. If the request is denied, any financial consequence (e.g., rebooking a flight) is the responsibility of the student. Before entering contests that will involve absence from the program, students should consider if the absence would reasonably be accommodated (e.g., a planned absence during the final examination period would likely not be accommodated).
In submitting the request, students are acknowledging that they are seeking relief from one or more mandatory activities, and that this relief is an exception to the course/program expectations.
Planned absences
When special circumstances that may warrant an absence is anticipated, students are responsible for submitting their request for a planned absence from any mandatory activity at least four weeks in advance of the activity, or once they become aware of the special circumstance.
Students are required to submit a Planned Absence Request, accompanied by supporting documentation (outlined below).
Faculty members, instructors or administrative staff who are asked directly by a student to accommodate a planned absence should re-direct the student to submit their request via the online application to the UGSC.
Unplanned absences
Sometimes, an absence may arise due to unforeseen and often emergent circumstances. In such cases, the School recognizes the right of students to determine the best course of action based on their unique knowledge of, and perspective on, the situation. This course of action may include a decision to miss one or more mandatory activities.
The School is committed to fostering a supportive, compassionate environment at the heart of which is the conviction that student well-being is intimately connected to student success. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that a student’s right to decide to miss mandatory activities is accompanied by a responsibility to accept and address any consequences of that decision.
When the unplanned circumstance results in the student being absent from one or more mandatory activities, the student is responsible for submitting notification of their absence as soon as possible, after attending to the immediate needs arising from the situation.
Verification of Illness form (VIF): You may require a VIF if you are ill and miss mandatory activities. It is preferred that you use Campus Wellness to obtain the form (UWaterloo service). It will provide the dates and level of incapacitation to the UGSC, but not your diagnosis. If you are determined to be severely incapacitated, you should not attend any activities at the School for the duration of the illness. There is a charge for the form to be filled out paid to Campus Wellness, which the student pays.
All illness related clinic absences require a VIF.
Quest self-declared absences
Several types of absence can be self-declared on Quest. However, you must also complete the Optometry absence request form even if you complete absence declarations on Quest.
Notification procedures for absences
Students should anticipate that each approved planned or unplanned absence from a clinical assignment is generally contingent upon making up that time at a later date within the same clinical rotation.
If an absence from an external clerkship is unable to be made up during the period of their external clerkship, the absence will carry forward, and the student will be required to make-up that time at the University of Waterloo Optometry Clinics prior to completing their fourth year.
Students may not make-up clinic time prior to the planned absence date.
Reporting of student absences
Course instructors, laboratory demonstrators, and clinic staff are required to report unplanned student absences from mandatory activities to the Undergraduate Studies Admissions and Program Manager ( to ensure that students have met their responsibility to request and/or document absences.
Consequences of not attending a mandatory activity
Students may be deemed to have committed a lapse in professionalism, if they:
- Were able to, yet do not plan, for the absence and submit an absence request
- Do not provide timely and adequate documentation following an urgent/emergent event
- Ignore the decision of the Committee regarding a request for absence
- Fail to follow-up with instructor for completion of missed mandatory course elements
Lapses in professionalism will be documented and could lead to the denial of subsequent absence requests and/or the application of academic penalties (e.g., as described in the course outline).