If you are interested in becoming an AOSA member, please email us or talk to one of uWaterloo AOSA execs.
Executive positions
Plans the annual Trade Show, organizes membership benefits and registration, manages travel grants, as well as represents UW at Optometry’s Meeting in June. Starts as Trustee-Elect.
Plans the annual Info Night in September and the uWaterloo Quiz Bowl. Also represents UW at Optometry’s Meeting, and shares many financial responsibilities with the Trustee. The Trustee-Elect will take over the Trustee position.
Internal Director
Responsible for dealing with internal affairs, such as emails, organizing social media pages and events, and keeping meeting minutes.
External Director
Responsible for dealing with external affairs, such as touching base with pre-optometry clubs, communicating with other school clubs and associations, as well as making in-class announcements.