Student success rates in Doctor of Optometry program

2017 White coat ceremony

Waterloo’s School of Optometry & Vision Science offers a professional, four-year Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree that is accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education ( The School is the only provider of English-language instruction for optometry in Canada (there is also a French-language school; the École d'Optométrie, Université de Montréal).

Our students enjoy a leading university that attracts award-winning professors along with some of the best and brightest students from around the world. Licensed ODs make up the body of expert faculty and clinic supervisors who provide an optimum mix of theoretical study and practical training.

Student graduation rates in Optometry

Standards for students and for teaching are set very high, but our graduation/attrition rates suggest that our students excel in this environment, as can be seen in the following table of recent graduations:

Matriculation year* 2017  2018 2019 2020
Graduation year for 4 year program 2021  2022 2023 2024
First year students 90 90 90 90
Advanced standing** 0 0 0 5
  Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total
Graduated in 4 years 87








ASOPP 0 0.0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 5.3%
Total 87 96.7% 87 96.7% 86 95.6% 92 96.8%
Graduated in 5 or more years 2 2.2% 3 3.3% 3 3.3% 0 0%
ASOPP 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Total 2 2.2% 3 3.3% 3 3.3% 0 0%
Still enrolled or on a leave of absence 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 2.1%
Attrition for academic reasons 0 0% 0 0% 1 1.1% 0 0%
Attrition for non- academic reasons 1 1.1% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1.1%


*Matriculation year refers to the year 1 of the four year program.

**Advanced standing students join the matriculated cohort in year 3 of the program after successful completion of the ASOPP program.

Student test scores for registration exams

To complete their professional qualifications, after graduation, students must pass a registration exam. In Canada, this exam is administered by the Optometry Examining Board of Canada (OEBC), and some provinces accept the National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) exam. Graduates from our program are eligible for either set of registration exams and, depending on their plans, may opt to take one or both exams. The School of Optometry & Vision Science has a history of doing very well on these exams.

First-time Test Takers

Below are the annual institutional pass rates for all first-time takers of the Optometric Examining Board of Canada (OEBC) and the National Board Examiners in Optometry (NBEO). The OEBC has two parts, a written exam and an objective structured clinical evaluation (OSCE). The NBEO has 3 parts: Part I Applied Basic Science (ABS), Part II Patient Assessment & Management (PAM), and Part III Clinical Skills Examination (CSE). As of August 2024, the Part III CSE will be replaced with Part III Patient Encounters and Performance Skills (PEPS).

Here are the most recent results for our students:

Graduation Year 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
  # Students Passed % # Students Passed % # Students Passed %
OEBC Written* 68 64 94.1% 71 69 97.2% 80 77 96.3%
OEBC OSCE* 69 58 84.1% 71 67 94.4% 25 23 92%
NBEO Part I ABS* 25 23 92.0% 20 17 85.0% 0 0 0.0%
NBEO Part II PAM* 21 21 100.0% 21 21 100.0% 16 16 100.0%
NBEO Part III CSE** 23 16 69.6% 24 16 66.7% 13 7 53.8%

*First-time test takers, regardless of matriculation or graduating year, challenging exam between Sept. 1 - Aug. 31 of the academic year

**First-time test takers, regardless of matriculation or graduating year, challenging exam between July 1 - June 30 of the academic year

Ultimate Passage Rate

The ultimate passage rate describes the percentage of the graduating cohort that successfully passed NBEO or OEBC entry-to-practice examinations by September 30th of their graduating year. Data presented prior to October 31st may be incomplete as not all graduates have challenged or successfully passed all parts of the OEBC or NBEO assessments. 

Graduating Cohort 2022-2023** 2023-2024**
    By Oct. of grad year Any time after grad   By Oct. of grad year Any time after grad
# Students in grad. cohort


% of cohort AttemptedPassed % of cohort # Students in grad. cohort AttemptedPassed % of cohort AttemptedPassed % of cohort
Attempted and passed all parts of OEBC 88 70 / 68 77.3% 70 / 68 77.3% 95 24 / 21 22.1% 21 / 21 21.1%
Attempted and passed all parts of NBEO and OEBC 88 0 / 0 0.0% 0 / 0 0.0% 95 1 / 1 1.1% 1 / 1 1.1%
Attempted and passed all parts of NBEO 88 20 /20 22.7% 20 / 20 22.7% 95 13 / 12 12.6% 13 / 12 12.6%
Total   88 100.0% 88 100.0%   34 35.8% 34 35.8%

Graduating Cohort 2020-2021** 2021-2022**
    By Oct. of grad year Any time after grad   By Oct. of grad year Any time after grad
# Students in grad. cohort Attempted / Passed % of cohort Attempted / Passed % of cohort # Students in grad. cohort Attempted / Passed % of cohort Attempted / Passed % of cohort
Attempted and passed all parts of OEBC 87 70 / 67 77.0% 71 / 71 81.6% 89 70 / 67 75.3% 70 / 69 77.5%
Attempted and passed all parts of NBEO and OEBC 87 0 / 0 0.0% 0 / 0 0.0% 89 2 / 2 2.2% 2 / 2 2.2%
Attempted and passed all parts of NBEO 87 14 / 14 16.1% 15 / 15 17.2% 89 20 / 18 20.2% 20 / 18 20.2%
Total   81 93.1% 86 98.9%   87 97.8% 89 100.0%

**Graduating cohort are students that graduated between Oct 1-Sep 30 of given year. 

Current year cohort still in progress; not all students have completed all parts.