Dr. Gina Sorbara presented with IACLE Lifetime Achievement Award

Friday, July 17, 2020
Dr. Gina Sorbara sits at a desk surrounded by young people
On June 30th, longtime IACLE board member and educator, Professor Luigina (Gina) Sorbara retired from her position at the School of Optometry & Vision Science at the University of Waterloo and her role as Assistant Secretary of IACLE (previous roles include Treasurer and Vice-President). 
To honour Gina’s many contributions to contact lens education worldwide, including her positions on the IACLE Board of Directors since 1992, she has been presented with the IACLE Award for Lifetime Achievement in Contact Lens Education.
While we were unable to present Gina with the award in person, many of her current and previous colleagues shared their congratulations and memories of working with Gina in a video. Here is a shorter version of that video.
- Announcement from the International Association of Contact Lens Educators
You can read more reflections on Dr. Sorbara's career in the latest issue of Insight.