Goal 1 To train you to provide advanced optometric and vision therapy care for pediatric and special needs patients.
Objective 1 You will accurately and efficiently examine patients of all types/needs, implement all relevant optometric management and make the appropriate referrals when necessary.
Outcome measures:
- You will experience approximately 300 direct patient encounters with pediatric patients during the year.
- At APOPC, you will discuss each patient encounter with her supervisor until you display adequate competency for each specific type of examination/level of difficulty.
- At WOSOVS there will be bi-weekly meetings with a supervisor to discuss cases.
- At both APOPC and WOVS, you will be provided with facilities and equipment to provide specialised pediatric care.
- You will maintain an accurate log of your patient encounters.
- You will submit ePortfolio/Reflections based on a patient or teaching situation in which you will reflect on experiences gained, knowledge and skills learned and changes to implement for improvement.
Objective 2 You will conduct a complete binocular vision examination on visual skills cases as well as strabismus and amblyopia evaluations, with appropriate treatment and management through lenses, prisms and/or vision therapy.
Outcome measures:
- You will experience approximately 100 binocular vision patient encounters during the year.
- The supervisor will review all therapy plans until you display adequate vision therapy sequencing, planning and implementation.
- After each binocular vision evaluation, you will generate a detailed report outlining all tests given, results and interpretation for the patient/parent and referring professional.
- You will be provided with facilities and equipment to provide full binocular vision assessments and therapy.
- You will maintain an accurate log of your patient encounters.
- You will attend a 1-day Vision Therapy training course given individually at Vaughan Family Vision Care.
- You will submit ePortfolio/Reflections based on a patient or teaching situation in which you will reflect on experiences gained, knowledge and skills learned and changes to implement for improvement.
Objective 3. You will conduct visual perceptual evaluations, including scoring, interpretation, treatment and management of any visual perceptual deficiencies.
Outcome measures:
- You will experience approximately 150 vision therapy patient encounters
- The supervisor will review all therapy plans until you display adequate vision therapy sequencing, planning and implementation.
- After each visual perception evaluation, you will generate a detailed report outlining all tests given, results and interpretation for the patient/parent and referring professional.
- You will be provided with facilities and equipment to provide visual perception evaluations and therapy.
- You will maintain an accurate log of your patient encounters.
- You will attend a 1-day Vision Therapy training course given individually at Vaughan Family Vision Care
- You will submit ePortfolio/Reflections based on a patient or teaching situation in which you will reflect on experiences gained, knowledge and skills learned and changes to implement for improvement
Objective 4. You will increase your comfort and efficiency in examining and managing special needs patients of all ages, and make the appropriate referrals when necessary.
Outcome measures:
- You will experience approximately 20 special needs patient encounters.
- You will discuss each patient encounter with her supervisor until you display adequate competency for each specific type of examination/level of difficulty.
- You will maintain an accurate log of her patient encounters.
- You will submit ePortfolio/Reflections based on a patient or teaching situation in which you will reflect on experiences gained, knowledge and skills learned and changes to implement for improvement
Objective 5. You will plan and successfully implement a vision therapy program on all of the above-described patients when appropriate and necessary.
Goal 2: To enhance your skills in optometric primary care for patients of all ages.
Objective 1. You will provide direct patient care during approximately 75 primary care or acute care patient encounters during the year.
Outcome measures:
- a. You will take part in bi-weekly meetings with an experienced optometrist to discuss cases, progressing to monthly meetings based on good progress.
- Appropriately licensed faculty will be available for consultation to advise the resident on assessment, diagnosis and management of patients.
- You will maintain an ePortfolio/Reflections based on a patient or teaching situation in which you will reflect on experiences gained, knowledge and skills learned and changes to implement for improvement
- You will maintain an accurate log of your patient encounters.
Goal 3: To increase the resident’s knowledge of pediatric optometry, binocular vision management and vision therapy.
Objective 1: You will participate in a programme of didactic activities and self-study.
Outcome measures:
- You will attend at least one clinical optometric conference during the year (American Academy of Optometry or COVD).
- You will have access to the UW Witer Learning Resource Centre (library) resources.
- You will participate and present in short and Grand Rounds sessions with other residents and faculty.
Goal 4: To develop your ability to critically review the literature.
Objective 1: You will participate in directed readings and prepare a written paper.
Outcome measures:
- You will read specified articles/chapters/on-line material and participate in discussions based on the material.
- You will write a paper suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
- As part of your didactic curriculum, the resident will participate in the Evidence-Based Medicine/Journal club, which is a directed reading class focused on developing skills to critically appraise the clinical literature with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine and clinical statistics.
Goal 5: To train you to become an effective communicator and educator
Objective 1: You will participate in speaking and writing opportunities under guidance and will receive feedback from her supervisor(s).
Outcome measures:
- You will present at least four oral presentations during their residency
- You will prepare a paper of publishable quality in an academic or clinical journal
- You will submit a poster or paper of a case report for presentation at AAO or COVD
- As part of the Resident’s didactic curriculum, you will participate in a series of workshops on writing skills, oral communication skills and case study development.
Objective 2: You will be involved in the clinical supervision of optometry interns during your rotation in the clinic.
Outcome measures:
- You will be scheduled to supervise undergraduate UW optometry students in the primary care or pediatric clinic for one day per week in the 2nd and/or 3rd term of the residency.
- As part of the Resident’s didactic curriculum, you will participate in a series of workshops to prepare and develop your skills for supervising undergraduate UW optometry students.
- You will receive teaching evaluations from the undergraduate students in the clinic.