Katie Dods is first woman named Alumni MVP at OPA Cup

Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Director Dave Edwards presents award plaque to Katie Dods.

Dressed in Waterloo black and gold, Katie Dods played a spectacular game at the 2015 Ontario Pharmacists Association Student Cup held in Toronto’s Varsity Arena on March 14. Katie received the 2015 Alumni Most Valuable Player award for her performance in the annual hockey showdown between Ontario’s pharmacy programs.  

Katie was one of four women to play for the Waterloo Pharmacy team which unfortunately came up short in their quest for a five-peat at this fun competition against University of Toronto’s Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy students.

Katie played collegiate hockey at Niagara University in the US before returning to Ontario and entering the PharmD program as a member of the Class of 2018. We look forward to seeing her in action in the OPA Cup for the next few years. 

Congratulations, Katie.