Conditional Admission to Pharmacy (CAP)

CAp students with periodic table graphic spelling out conditional admission to Pharmacy

Conditional Admission to Pharmacy (CAP) status is a unique opportunity for high school students to be pre-admitted to the PharmD program.

If you are a well-rounded student, who is community-minded, and passionate about pursuing your dream

of becoming a pharmacist, then CAP status is the right path for you!

Remote video URL
CAP acronym with the words care, achieve, and passion
a degree

Two degrees

Waterloo students who complete 2 years (at least 10.0 lecture units) of any Science program at Waterloo and then complete the PharmD degree at Waterloo are eligible for the Granting of Bachelor of Science (Honours Science) upon completion of the PharmD degree

two people interviewing

Guaranteed interview and FSA

This guarantee applies if CAP students maintain their CAP admission eligibility throughout their first two years as a Science student which includes achieving a satisfactory performance on Casper.

two people in conversation

Dedicated academic advising

Pharmacy advisors regularly check-in and support CAP students as well as hold a prep session in advance of their PharmD interview and Fundamental Skills Assessment.

hands shaking

Peer support and mentorship

First-year CAP students are assigned a second-year CAP student buddy/mentor to help them transition to university life and to share their experiences with.


Connection to the School of Pharmacy

There are various opportunities to participate in social and educational events organized by the School. These enable students to build relationships with current pharmacy students, faculty, and staff before beginning pharmacy school.

graduation cap

40 seats

Admission Requirements

Applicants currently in grade 12 or year one CEGEP  (with a minimum of 12 semestered academic courses) are eligible to apply for CAP status. Regrettably, due to programming structure, applicants who have graduated or are currently in university, college, or year 2 and 3 of CEGEP are unable to be considered.

All of the admission criteria listed below must be satisfied and completed by the deadline in the application timeline for an applicant to move forward for consideration by the Admissions Committee. Applicants must submit two applications to the University of Waterloo.

High School Average

CAP applicants must have a high school admission average of 90.0% or greater, as calculated by the Faculty of Science at Waterloo.

CAP applicants in year one CEGEP (with a minimum of 12 semestered academic courses) must have an admission average of 85.0% or greater, as calculated by the Faculty of Science at Waterloo.

See How to apply for CAP for more information on the programs eligible for CAP status and visit the program sites to learn more about the required courses.

Casper & Duet

All applicants are required to complete Casper and Duet as part of their application for the CAP 2025 admissions cycle. 

  • Casper: 90-110 minute online, open-response situational judgment test
  • Duet: 15-minute value-alignment assessment

You will register for the assessments for: Undergraduate Health Sciences (CSP-10202)

Casper and Duet measure different personal and professional competencies and attributes that we believe are important for successful students and graduates of our program. These assessments will complement the other tools we use for applicant review and evaluation, as part of our efforts to enhance fairness and objectivity in our selection process. 

Casper and Duet are administered by Acuity Insights.

How to sign up for Casper and Duet

  • Create an Acuity Insights account and register to complete Casper and Duet.
    •  You will register for Undergraduate Health Sciences (CSP-10202) using your Waterloo ID# and a piece of government-issued photo ID. 
    • Note: if you do not have a Waterloo ID# yet, you can start the process, but you will have to update your file with your accurate Waterloo ID# by the distribution deadline.
    • Please register with the email address you are using for your application and check it regularly, as there may be updates to the test schedule.
  • Select a Casper test date from the available testing dates and times, which have been approved in line with our admissions timelines. 
    • Duet will automatically show on your account homepage after reserving Casper.
    • These are the only testing dates for applying to our program and no additional tests will be scheduled. 
  • Register for your test at least 3 days before your preferred test date and time to allow time to perform a system requirements check and take the sample test in your account. Last-minute bookings are not recommended.
  • Ensure you have selected Conditional Admissions to Pharmacy for distribution before the distribution deadline listed on the Dates and Fees page.
  • Although you can take Duet anytime after booking your Casper test, it should be completed within 14 days of taking Casper. The final deadline is the same as the final Casper test date.

Technical requirements for Casper and Duet

To take the assessments, you will need a:

  • Valid email address (the same one you will use to submit your application).
  • Desktop or laptop computer, ideally using Windows or macOS.
    • Smartphones and tablets are not supported.
  • Working webcam and microphone.
    • Wired inputs or your computer’s built-in microphone are recommended.
  • Reliable high-speed internet connection with download speeds of at least 1.5 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 2 Mbps.

Learn more about technical requirements.


Applicants requiring testing accommodations to complete Casper and Duet should submit an Initial Request Form (Part 1 and 2) at least four (4) weeks prior to their scheduled Casper test date. 

Learn more about the accommodations policy.

Help with Casper and Duet

If you have any questions, please contact the Acuity Insights team via the chat bubble on the bottom right of your Acuity Insights account or the Casper site. You can also review their collection of Frequently Asked Questions.

Resources to help you prepare

*Acuity Insights is not affiliated with any test prep company, nor does Acuity Insights endorse any third-party services for preparing for Casper. Because Casper is designed to elicit authentic responses, applicants don’t need anything to prepare other than taking the free practice test in their Acuity Insights account or reviewing the information provided on the Casper site.

Admission Information Form (AIF)

The AIF provides the Admissions Committee with insights into the applicant’s personal qualities, extracurricular accomplishments, and motivation for a career in Pharmacy.

Your AIF should demonstrate:

  • Motivation and passion for pursuing a career in the profession of pharmacy.
  • Recognized contributions to leadership activities and community involvement through extracurricular activities.
  • Pharmacy experience (work or volunteer) and if possible, work experience (either part-time or full-time).

For guidance on how to complete your AIF, please visit the Waterloo AIF information web page.


A section within the AIF asks you to provide the name and contact information for two individuals who will serve as your references:

  • One academic (e.g., teacher, principal, or guidance counsellor).
  • One from an employer or volunteer agency (someone you had a contractual responsibility with to either provide a service through employment or a service through a volunteer agreement).

Once you complete the AIF, your references will receive an email to submit a reference within 3 business days.

Note: Applicants who do not submit exactly two references will not be considered for CAP status.

References will not be accepted from relatives of the applicant.

Supporting documents

If the last four years of your education have not been taught completely in English, you must provide a score from an acceptable test of English proficiency. More information can be found on the English language requirements web page.

High school transcripts are required for out-of-province and international applicants only.

Virtual Interview

The virtual interview will be an asynchronous assessment completed using the Kira Talent online platform.

Applicants who have successfully completed all other admission requirements by the specified deadlines on the Application Timeline, will receive an invitation to participate in the virtual interview process.

Candidates will be given a window of time to complete the virtual interview process. The virtual interview will be compromised of both video and written responses where candidates will be given the opportunity to share with the Admissions Committee more details about themselves and demonstrate their intent, motivation, and fit for the profession of pharmacy and Waterloo’s CAP status program.

How to apply

Submit two applications to the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website. Note that CAP applications for September 2025 are now closed.

Application 1: Waterloo science degree program*

Application 2: CAP status

  • The CAP application is available on the OUAC website. The application fee is $105. You will need the username and password you created when applying to Honours Science or the Life Science program above.

Students admitted into CAP will be automatically moved to the regular stream of their chosen science program if they have selected a co-op stream when they applied. It is not possible to complete all PharmD prerequisite courses in two years if enrolled in a co-op program

** While each of these programs are eligible for CAP status, Honours Science provides the most flexibility for students to meet the prerequisite requirements for the PharmD program.

Waterloo Pharmacy's Indigenous student admissions pathway

We recognize that deliberate equitable admissions procedures are required to increase the admission of students who identify as Indigenous. The School is committed to improving the representation of Indigenous peoples descended from the first inhabitants of North America including people of Métis, First Nations, and Inuit heritage. Learn more about the Indigenous student admissions pathway and the opportunities available to you.

New for 2024-2025

To enhance your CAP experience with more exciting and educational events, guest speakers, mentorship opportunities and dedicated support, the CAP program will introduce a modest fee ($750 per year) starting in September 2025 for CAP 2025 students and future cohorts only. This will allow the program to thrive and grow in the next academic year. CAP status seats have always been capped at 25 annually, despite the more than 100 qualified applicants. The new CAP fee will allow us to increase the available seats to 40 starting with the CAP 2025 cohort and provide more deserving students the opportunity to participate in this unique program.

Female students smiling
“It’s a one-of-a-kind experience. You’ll meet fellow CAP students and build a support network together.” – Anteja Cubelic, current CAP student

Application Timeline

Application deadlines are 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise stated.

  1. 2024
    1. Oct
  2. 2025
    1. Jan
      1. Fri Jan 31

        Application deadline

    2. Feb
      1. Fri Feb 14

        Admission Information Form (AIF) deadline

        Supporting document deadline.

        • High school transcripts (only for out-of-province and international applicants) 
        • English Language Requirements scores (if applicable) 

    3. Mar
      1. Tue Mar 4

        • Last Casper date
        • Duet deadline
        • Reference deadline

      2. Fri Mar 21

        Virtual interview invitations sent and first-round refusals

    4. Apr
      1. Tue Apr 1

        Virtual interview deadline 4:00 PM EST

    5. May
      1. Tue May 6

        CAP status decisions released

    6. Jun
      1. Mon Jun 2

        Final day to accept your CAP status offer

After you apply

You will receive an email from a member of the Admissions team which will contain details on how to submit your supplementary information and supporting documents. This email may take up to 2 weeks to be received. Reach out to if you have not received an email within the time frame specified. 

Check out the CAP Supplementary Information web page for next steps and important information.