Friday, May 3, 2019

Outstanding graduate students and faculty member recognized at annual awards ceremony

Since 2013, the Waterloo School of Pharmacy has recognized the excellence of MSc and PhD students with the Pharmacy Annual Graduate Awards. This year’s award’s ceremony recognized student achievements from spring of 2018 to winter of 2019.

Topics in Drug Development – Rand Hussein

Praveen and Rand holding award plaques
This award recognizes the student who achieved the highest grade in this mandatory course for all pharmacy graduate students. Rand is a PhD candidate under the supervisor of Prof. Kelly Grindrod and has also been trained as a pharmacist.

“Rand contributed thoughtfully to this course,” said Prof. Roderick Slavcev, course instructor. “She demonstrated an interest in research through innovative ideas that pushed boundaries.”

Best Student Presentation in the Research Seminar Series – Nyasha Gondora

Colleen and Nyasha holding award plaques
Waterloo Pharmacy organizes a research seminar series that brings in diverse faculty from across the country. For PhD students, presenting in the seminar series is a milestone requirement for graduation. Three faculty members independently adjudicate student seminars on the quality of slides, presentation, understanding of the field of study, and ability of the presenter to answer questions.

Nyasha Gondora was selected as this year’s winner. Judges said that Nyasha’s talk was accessible to a non-expert audience while also conveying her knowledge of the field with comfortable ease. Her engaging presentation style helped the audience appreciate the value and complexity of her work. Nyasha is a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Michael Beazely.

Best Graduate Student Teaching Assistant – Heidi Fernandes and Lokesh Narsineni

Praveen, Lokesh and Sherilyn holding award plaques
This award receives many nominations each year, testifying to the strong graduate student TAs in the Waterloo Pharmacy program. This year, the committee selected two winners for this award – Heidi and Lokesh.

The instructors that Heidi supported both described her as enthusiastic and exceptional, contributing above and beyond what is required of a TA of very intensive courses. Examples of Heidi’s dedication include setting up exam review sessions and developing brand new cases for tutorial sessions. Students also praised her supportive and knowledgeable nature. Heidi is a MSc student under the supervisor of Prof. Sherilyn Houle who accepted the award on Heidi's behalf.

Like Heidi, nomination letters for Lokesh described how he consistently exceeded course instructor expectations, taking on new responsibilities over his time as a graduate student TA. He’s participated as a practice patient and OSCE assessor and even stepped into the role of substitute course instructor when the actual instructor unexpectedly needed to be away. All nominators remarked on his professionalism and dedication. Lokesh is a PhD student in the lab of Prof. Marianna Foldvari.

Donald J. and Kathleen McDougall Graduate Scholarship Award – Shannon Callender

Janet and Shannon holding award plaques
Established by Janet McDougall – statistician, businesswoman, and supporter of Waterloo Pharmacy – this award recognizes a graduate student who demonstrates both scholastic excellence and a commitment to their community. Janet established the award in recognition of her parents, Donald and Kathleen McDougall. Coming from humble beginnings, Don and Kay, as they were known, both went on to be leaders in their fields – Donald as a pharmacist and Kathleen as an executive assistant. Both parents were strong supporters of education and inspiring community leaders.

Shannon’s commitments embody the spirit of this award: she has been involved as a peer mentor for the University and has advocated for graduate students through roles with the Graduate Student Association and the Pharmacy Graduate Association. She’s been an ambassador for both the School and the University, representing UW in a national network of nine universities that connected pharmaceutical researchers from across Canada.

She has also volunteered extensively in the community, judging local science fairs, supporting events that encourage youth involvement in STEM fields, and dedicating time as a Big Sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region. Shannon is a PhD student in the lab of Prof. Shawn Wettig.

Outstanding Mentor in the Graduate Program – Emmanuel Ho

Andrea and Emmaneul holding award plaques
This honorary award goes to one faculty member based on nominations submitted throughout the year. Nominators described Prof. Ho as someone whose “outstanding leadership, dedication, and commitment to not only his own graduates but to the graduate student body has made him a beloved mentor within this student community.”

Prof. Ho joined Waterloo Pharmacy in 2017, and since then he has dedicated time to engaging with students and seeking to learn about their research. His enthusiasm for research is exemplified not only by his own success but also in his openness to discussing new ideas in his multidisciplinary lab where he supervisors many projects. Despite how busy he is, Prof. Ho always makes time for his students; he has created an environment that inspires students to work hard and to take time to celebrate achievements together.