#RethinkPharmacists: Specialty care providers in hospitals
When you think of a pharmacist, you probably don’t picture Nehal Patel. The alumnus from the School of Pharmacy works at Canada’s first and only transplant specialty pharmacy. Instead of working behind a counter, Nehal supports Canada’s largest solid organ transplant centre at Toronto General Hospital.
“It is a difficult journey for patients and their families both pre- and post-transplant, and I am grateful to be a part of that journey with them,” she says. “I see patients transition from an inpatient to outpatient and connecting with them really highlights the impact and difference organ donation has made to their life.”
Toronto General’s Multi-Organ Transplant Program performs over 500 kidney, lung, liver, heart, pancreas and intestine transplants every year and provides follow-up care to over 5,000 recipients. Nehal collaborates with a team of health care providers to support patients, providing medication expertise and counselling, and she’s constantly educating herself on the latest best practices in transplant medicine.
About #RethinkPharmacists
Each March Pharmacy Awareness Month (PAM) celebrates the contributions that pharmacists make to our health care system. This month, the School of Pharmacy is showcasing how our alumni go beyond dispensing pills and play a pivotal role in the health of Canadians.