Group of alumni at the golf tournament
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Thank you to supporters of the Waterloo Pharmacy Golf Invitational

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Alumni and friends of the Waterloo Pharmacy community came together for a competitive and fun –filled day of golf in support of our Student Success Fund.  Now in it’s 7th year, the event has raised close to $200,000 providing pharmacy students with funding to attend professional conferences across the country and supporting other student activities.

Congratulations to the following:

•             1st Place Team: Apotex (Jeff Nagge, Gord Davies, Andrew Shenton, Andrew Matthew)

•             2nd Place Team: McKesson (Tim Smith, Ed Langill, Greg Biehn, Mike Gibbons)

•             Closest to the hole Male & Female:  Dave Edwards & Kacie Lunn (Rx2014)

•             Longest Drive Male & Female:  Greg Biehn (McKesson) and Katie Pacuta (Rx2018)

•             KJ Harrison Team Contest: McKesson (Tim Smith, Ed Langill, Greg Biehn, Mike Gibbons)

•             Winning Alumni Team: Rx2011 (Michael Collins, Noah Bates, John Thai, Matt Woolsey)

Dave Edwards stalling on the golf course
A special congratulations to David Edwards, Hallman Director, for sinking a hole in one! Edwards is the second person in the tournament’s history to achieve this; faculty member Jeff Nagge was first in 2017.

Thank you to our generous sponsors - Platinum sponsor McKesson, Gold sponsor Apotex, and Silver and Bronze sponsors – all to attendees for making the day a success.

See the Golf Tournament page for a full list of event sponsors.