The Student Success Fund helps support the costs of beyond-the-classroom activities that enhance personal and professional development for both PharmD and graduate students. All funding requests will be approved by the Associate Director, Advancement. Requests should be submitted a minimum of 14 days before the funding is required.
What types of initiatives are typically supported by the Student Success Fund?
- Student Group Events/activities
- Conferences: attend or present research
- Mental Health and Wellness Activities
- Travel Awards/Support: for students engaging in learning opportunities in remote/rural communities
- Swag: provide Pharmacy swag for student led initiatives
We do not approve requests for funding involving:
- Activities that are fundraising in nature
- Activities that are not part of a club’s mandate
- Clubs and student events that are not associated with SOPhS
- Requests that do not align with the School’s strategic values and goals
Please fill out the form below with your funding request details. Onece the funding request has been approved, you will receive an email confirming funding or requesting additional information. If you have questions regarding Student Success funding please email