Women in Pharmacy Leadership Program - Support the Program

Three women walking and smiling
Women in Pharmacy Leadership Program Support the Program

Why develop this fund?

In Canada, people who identify as women make up 60%-70% of pharmacy staff but are underrepresented in leadership positions. This gender gap in leadership positions has been documented nationally, by the Canadian Pharmacists Association, and internationally, by the International Federation of Pharmacists. Continued education, training, and career progression opportunities are essential to break down this gender gap. Waterloo Pharmacy can and will be part of the solution. To do this, we created the Women in Pharmacy Leadership Fund. The time to act is now. With this fund, Waterloo Pharmacy will deliver opportunities that inspire talented young women to aim high and ask “why not me?”

Leadership matters

Organizations with women leaders in senior management have proven to be more successful and profitable. This fund will support student and alumni participation in conferences and seminars that develop their understanding of leadership and its many forms.

Why not me?

Role models and mentors are essential to developing as a leader. With this fund, Waterloo Pharmacy will create networking opportunities and engage prominent female leaders to connect with alumni and students.

Charting the path for women to become leaders

Leadership roles require a variety of concrete skills. Waterloo Pharmacy will use this fund to enhance alumni and student confidence and familiarity with these key leadership skills through delivering workshops on potential topics such as board governance, capital management, public speaking and media training, advocacy training and more. Help us grow the leaders of tomorrow today.

Here's why this cause matters to us

Andrea Edginton
Andrea Edginton Hallman Director

"We are leaders in many aspects of our personal lives whether it be amongst family, friends or in the community. Leadership in our professional life is an application of these learned skills and an opportunity for further personal growth while contributing to the evolution of our field." 

Kelly Grindrod headshot
Kelly Grindrod Pharmacist of the Year

"You can’t be it if you can’t see it. In pharmacy, we need to start seeing women as leaders so that future generations of women in pharmacy can also see themselves as leaders."

heather foley headshot
Heather Foley Rx2011, Pharmacist

"Leadership is a mindset; it means using courage and good sense to positively influence whichever things are within your control. With the proper mindset, tools and mentorship, every woman in the profession of pharmacy can be a leader, no matter their job title."

Naushina Hooda
Naushin Hooda Rx2019

"Equity and diversity at every career stage are essential; having a female presence and voice is pharmacy's best chance at progression. Having diverse leaders changes the norms about who can lead and what qualities are necessary in leadership thereby breaking down cultural and structural barriers, and showing everyone, particularly those entering or new to the profession seeking mentorship and inspiration, what women can achieve."