How to use PHR 7007's projector

Turning on the projector

  • Retrieve the grey remote control from the drawer in the computer rack.
  • Aim the grey remote control at the projector and press the red power button.


  • To use the built in computer: On the remote, Press 1.


Using a laptop with the projector

  • On the remote, press 3 for VGA or 6 for HDMI depending on your laptop. 
  • The laptop connectors are in the tabletop outlets.
    • Gently untangle the wires. Some wires are capable of breaking if pulled on too hard.
    • Attach whichever wire your laptop can connect to (either VGA or HDMI).


How to power-off the projector.

  • Press the red power button on the remote while aiming at the projector
  • A window will appear to confirm that the instructor wants to power off the projector.


8. Press the OK button in the centre of the remote control's directional keys.


IMPORTANT: Always turn off the projector after use to decrease chances of overheat, which may lead to serious consequences such as fire.

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