Remark Office

How to use Remark Office

Your work computer may have Remark Office installed on it. If you wish to use it:

  • Double click on “Remark Office OMR 8 Demo” shortcut.
  • Close the “Demo Resources” Window. Then go to file and click on “New Form Template” 
  • Under the “Form template description”, name your file what you want. Do not touch anything else. Press Next to continue.
  • Press “Read from image files”. Then press “Acquire Images from File” and select the “Scantron Exam tester” image. Press OK to finish.  

In order to make the grading program work, follow these instructions very carefully: 

  • After pressing "OK" as instructed above, a new window (Remark Office OMR Template Editor Demo) should appear. Label the StudentID bubbles as not being graded. To do that, press “OMR” which is near the top of the window. Then, drag your mouse to select the bubbles.
    Press OMR and then drag and hold your mouse click over the answer bubbles.
  • Another new Window should pop up. Under “Region Definition”, enter "StudentID" under “Region name”. Change “Data type” to numerical since we are using numbers for the grades.
  • Under Region Layout, hange “Region orientation” to column because we are selecting one bubble per column. Make the number in “Columns in the region” 8 and “Rows in the region” 10.  
  • Under “Possible Responses”, change the dropdown for “Possible label scales” to “0 to 9” 
  • Under "Properties", click on “Region item properties”. Then press “Do not grade this item”. Click OK to finish. 
    Under properties, click the bubble that says "Do not grade this item".
  • Now drag the mouse to the multiple-choice questions that are between 1-25. Make sure the green rectangle does not touch the numbers.
    • Change “Region name” to “1-25”, “Columns in the region” to 5, and “Rows in the region” to 25.
    • Change “Possible label scales” to “A to E”.
    • Press “OK” to finish. 
    • If you have more than 25 questions, you can now drag the mouse to the multiple-choice questions that are between 26-50, 51-75 and 76-100, repeating the steps above.
      A window showing the interface for the columns and rows in region, as well as number of questions.
    • Go to file and click ‘save as’ to save this template. Call it anything you want.

How to see how well students did on the test

  • Press “Read Wizard” and then press “Read from image files”.
  • Press Next and then double click on “Scantron Tester results”  Press Next again and then press Read to finish.

Addressing student input mistakes (i.e. bubbling more than one option. Bubbling nothing)

  • Press “Review on Exceptions” under Data options. Then press “Begin Review”.  One can press the right-arrow button to see more errors. Once you are done, press “finished”.

Grading the results

  • Press “Grade Wizard”. A new window should popup.  
  • Press Next, and then press Next again on the next page.
  • Highlight the StudentIDs. One can select them one by one by pressing ctrl + left-click on each StudentID. Or one can left-click on StudentID1 and then Shift + left-click on the last StudentID to select them, and all StudentIDs in between. Fill in the checkmark “Question identifies the student”  
    One can select them one by one by pressing ctrl + left-click on each StudentID. Or one can left-click on StudentID1 and then Shift + left-click on the last StudentID to select them, and all StudentIDs in between. Fill in the checkmark “Question identifies the student”

How to select the correct answer for each question

  • In the same box as the StudentIDs, highlight the question you want to assign an answer to. Then, under the "Correct answer(s)" box, select the letter answer you want to be recorded as correct from the dropdown menu. 
    highlight the question you want to assign an answer to. Then, under the "Correct answer(s)" box, select the letter answer you want to be recorded as correct from the dropdown menu.
  • Click Next, next, next and finish to save your changes. You can save this answer key for the later use.  
  • Under Report Options, click on “Display Reports”. There are options to choose from:
    • 101 – Student statistics Report”.  From here we can see the Student ID and their marks.
    •  “103 – Class Frequency Distribution Report”. Shows a bar graph of the frequent marks. 
    •  “106 – Condensed Test Report”. General information and statistics about the test are reported.
    • 107 – Demographic Grade Report”. Can be used to check the number of frequent responses from students.