Analysis Seminar

Thursday, November 14, 2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Astrid an Huef, Victoria University of Wellington

Nuclear dimension of C*-algebras of groupoids.

Let G be a locally compact, Hausdorff groupoid.  Guentner, Willet and Yu defined a notion of dynamic asymptotic dimension (dad) for etale groupoids, and used it to find  a bound on the nuclear dimension of C*-algebras of principal groupoids with finite dad.  To have finite dad, a groupoid must have locally finite isotropy subgroups which rules out, for example, the graph groupoids and twists of etale groupoids by trivial circle bundles. I will discuss how the techniques of Guentner, Willett and Yu can be adjusted to include some groupoids with large isotropy subgroups, including an applications to C*-algebras of directed graphs that are AF-embeddable. This is joint work with Dana Williams.

MC 5417

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