How do I view my milestones?

Woman filling in a form on a computer

Can only be viewed on a desktop computer.

  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Academics tile.
    Academics tile in Quest.
  3. Select the View My Milestones link on the left.
    View My Milestones tab in Quest.
  4. The page will display your milestone list.
    Milestone List in Quest.
    • For graduate students: Milestones with a status of "In Progress" or "Completed" will display.
    • For undergraduate students: Only milestones with a status of "Completed" will display.
  5. You can sort or filter your list using the following fields, then select the Go button.
    Milestone List filters categories in Quest.
    • Academic Institution: University of Waterloo is the only option and must be selected for the next two options to populate.
    • Academic Career: Either Undergraduate or Graduate.
    • Academic Program: Will populate based on the academic program you are (or were) enrolled in.
    • Milestone: Will populate with all the milestones on your record.
    • To show all milestones again, select the blank option in the applicable filter(s) and select the Go button.

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