How do I view or update my banking information?

Woman filling in a form on a computer

Before you start:

You need to gather the following information about your Canadian financial institution (bank or credit union):

  • bank code (3 digits)
  • branch/transit number (5 digits)
  • your personal bank account number (7 to 12 digits - no spaces, hyphens or dashes); your account number is NOT the number on your debit or credit card.

We strongly recommend that you contact your bank to confirm that you have the correct information for these three numbers above. Entering incorrect or incomplete information will prevent your refund from arriving in your bank account.

Note: You can only have one bank account listed in Quest.

View or update my banking information

  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Finances tile.
    Finances tile in Quest.
  3. Select the Manage My Bank Account link on the left.
    Manage My Bank Account tab in Quest.

Add a new bank account

  1. If this is the first time you are adding a bank account in Quest, you will see a message indicating that you have not yet created an account. Select the Add Account button.
    List of bank accounts highlighting Add Account button in Quest.
  2. Enter the following information then select the Next button:
    • The system requires you to give your account a Nickname. Enter it in the Nickname field.
    • Select the account type.
    • Use the magnifying glass button to select your bank code. Note: If your bank is not listed, submit a ticket to the Student Financial Services team portal.
    • Enter your branch/transit number.
    • Enter your account number (without hyphens, dashes or spaces). Remember, this is NOT the number on your debit or credit card.
    • Re-enter your account number to confirm you have entered it correctly.
    • Enter the account holder's name.
      List of needed Bank Account Details for new account being adding in Quest.
  3. If this is the first time you are adding a bank account in Quest, the Agreement page will come up. Read it and indicate you agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on the Yes box. Then select the Submit button. Note: This is only required the first time you enter banking information in Quest. If you have questions or concerns about adding your banking information, please submit a ticket to the Student Financial Services team portal.
    Bank account terms and conditions in Quest.
  4. Your Bank Account Summary page will appear and you will be able to see that you now have a bank account listed in Quest.

Edit/delete my bank account

  1. Delete a bank account:
    • Select the delete (garbage can) button.
  2. Edit bank account information:

    • Select the edit (pencil) button.
    • Make the necessary changes and select Submit.
New bank account listed in My Bank Accounts in Quest with edit and delete button highlighted.

To add a new account, you must first delete the existing account. To edit your bank account information or delete the bank account, go to your Bank Account Summary page and use the edit (pencil) button or delete (garbage can) button.

New bank account listed in My Bank Accounts in Quest with edit and delete button highlighted.