Websites are moving to The Centre and form closures will occur

This website is moving to a new version of The Centre website on August 27 and forms will be temporarily closed August 23-27. Learn more.

Undergraduate student short-term absences

In fall 2022, the University expanded the options for a self-declared absence for undergraduate students by introducing the option of self-declaring a short-term absence.

Short-term absences

  • It is an absence that is a maximum length of two calendar days (i.e., Tuesday, February 8 and Wednesday, February 9).
  • The declaration of a short-term absence is available to all undergraduate students taking courses at the University of Waterloo.
  • Only one short-term absence can be self-declared per academic term.
  • The course/class components of Laboratory (LAB) and Clinic (CLN) do not qualify for accommodation as a result of a self-declared short-term absence. 

COVID-19-related absences

If you test positive for COVID-19 or related symptoms, you should complete the Student Absence Declaration and declare a COVID-19-related absence in Quest.

  • The absence category relayed to your instructor, is different, as is the length of the absence (up to 10 days).
  • Unlike short-term absences, the COVID-19-related option in Quest is available during the Formal Lecture Period and Final Examination Period.
  • Note: Only one COVID-19-related absence can be self-declared per academic term.

Self-declaring a short-term absence

Short-term absences are self-declared in Quest. No accompanying documentation is requested or required in order to self-declare a short-term absence. See How do I self-declare an absence for instructions.

Once submitted, it cannot be changed or cancelled in Quest without the intervention of your faculty's associate dean, undergraduate.

Frequently Asked Questions