Pre-submission and training

Safety Office training

These preliminary courses are strongly recommended for all animal researchers. Please ensure you've received the most recent training for all courses.

Training Attendees Delivery
WHMIS All undergraduate students online
Safety orientation Faculty, staff, students online
Workplace violence awareness Faculty, staff, students online
Hazard specific training Faculty, staff, students online or classroom

Animal research training

Some of the courses below are mandatory and some are optional. Review the description to determine which are required for your research project.

Note:  The Office of Research Ethics is using a training and development registration system called GoSignMeUp.  This user-friendly interface will allow all animal researchers to enrol themselves in animal courses we offer (theory, classroom and tours).  Please take the time to review our quick instructions, for creating an account (one time only) and registering in courses, and explore what’s offered at our University. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please include the name of your supervisor in your profile account because any missing information will delay your enrolment. 

All theory courses are offered online through Desire to Learn.  Be aware of the pre-requisites for each course. Please allow up to 48 hours once you’ve registered through GoSignMeUp to be enrolled into Desire to Learn.  Once you have successfully completed any course, email the Office of Research Ethics to have this information updated to your training record on GoSignMeUp.

Training and description Pre-requisite How to register Date(s) offered

Introductory animal research course (theory) (AR0001)

Mandatory online training course for all animal research. This is NOT required if you are only doing field or tissue work (see AR0009 below)


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

on going

Basic animal handling course (theory) (AR0002)

Mandatory online training for all persons named on AUPP who will be handling animals.

Familiarization with handling and restraint techniques in common species.


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite. 

on going

Basic animal handling course : mice (clinical skills) (AR0003A)

Mandatory classroom training for all persons named on an application who will be handling animals (not necessary for only tissue or field research). Hands on familiarization with animal handling and restraint techniques in mice.

AR0001  AR0002

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite. 

Mar 5, Apr 9, and May 7 2025. 

Classes begin at 10:30 a.m. 

Basic animal handling course : rat (clinical skills) (AR0003B)

Mandatory classroom training for all persons named on an application who will be handling animals (not necessary for only tissue or field research).  Hands on familiarization with animal handling and restraint techniques in rats.

AR0001  AR0002

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite.

Mar 6, Apr 10, and May 8, 2025 at 10:30am

Basic field and tissue course (theory) (AR0009)

Mandatory online training course for persons doing field research. Animal users using Waterloo facilities must sign up for AR0001.

Recommended online training course for persons using animal tissue.  


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

on going

Orientations and tours

Waterloo policies require that anyone involved in animal research must complete an orientation and tour of the facility in which the research will occur - multiple orientations and tours may be required.

Orientations and tours Pre-requisite How to register Date(s) offered

Central animal facility orientation (theory) (AR0004)

Mandatory online training for all persons who wish to use the central animal facility.


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite. 

on going

Central animal facility tour (AR0010)

Mandatory tour for all persons who wish to use the central animal facility.

Involves a tour and provides an overview of the rooms and facilities which are available to researchers.

AR0001 AR0004

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Mar 21, Apr 18, and May 16, 2025

All tours begin at 10:00am

WATER (Waterloo Aquatic Threats and Environmental Research) Facility Orientation (theory) (AR0029)

Mandatory online training for all persons who want to use the aquatic facility.

Gives future facility users an understanding of the operation of the facility and its rules and regulations.

Note: Course redesigned in December 2024, AR0016 no longer required.


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite. 

on going

WATER (Waterloo Aquatic Threats and Environmental Research) Facility Tour (AR0011)

Mandatory tour for all persons who wish to use the aquatics facility.

Involves a tour and provides an overview of the rooms and facilities which are available to researchers.

AR0001  AR0029

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Mar 12, April 16, and May 14, 2025

All tours begin at 1:00pm

WATER Pathogen Facility Orientation (AR0030)

Mandatory tour for all persons who wish to use the WATER Pathogen Facility.

Involves a tour and provides an overview of the rooms and facilities which are available to researchers, as well as the procedures for safe and responsible work within the facility.



Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

BMH facility orientation (theory) (AR0006)

Mandatory classroom training for all persons who wish to use the BMH facility.

Gives future facility users an understanding of the operation of the facility and its rules and regulations.


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite.

on going

BMH facility tour (AR0012)

Mandatory tour for all persons who wish to use the BMH facility.

Involves a tour and provides an overview of the rooms and facilities which are available to researchers.

AR0001  AR0006

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Pharmacy facility orientation (theory) (AR0008)

Mandatory online training for all persons who wish to use the Pharmacy facility.

Gives future facility users an understanding of the operation of the facility and its rules and regulations.


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite. 

on going

Pharmacy facility tour (AR0024)

Mandatory tour for all persons who wish to use the Pharmacy facility.

Involves a tour and provides an overview of the rooms and facilities which are available to researchers.

AR0001  AR0008

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Protocol specific training

Some of the courses below are mandatory and some are optional. Review the description to determine which are required for your research project.

Training and description Pre-requisite How to register Date(s) offered

Advanced animal research theory course (AR0014)

This online course is mandatory for all persons planning to conduct procedures with an invasive category greater than an invasive category of a B level.  Note: Not required for field study research.


Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisite. 

on going

Humane intervention points theory course (AR0015)

This course training is mandatory to teach approaches to setting effective endpoints.

AR0001  AR0002

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

 This course has a pre-requisites. 

This course will be delivered in person. Email if you have any questions.  

April 15 and Oct 7, 2025 at 10:30am.


Aquatic species (clinical skills) course (AR0017)

This classroom training is mandatory for individuals who need to learn fish blood collection techniques.




Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Inhalation anaesthesia (theory) course (AR0020)

Mandatory online training for individuals who will be using an anesthetic machine as part of their approved protocol.

AR0001  AR0002  AR0003A/B  AR0014

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

on going

Inhalation anaesthesia (clinical) course (AR0021)

Mandatory hands on training for individuals using an anesthetic machine. Class covers safety, use and all procedures related to using inhalation anesthesia on laboratory animals.

AR0001 AR0002  AR0003A/B AR0014   AR0020

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites.

Upon request at

Survival surgery (theory) course (AR0018)

Mandatory online training for individuals who will be performing survival surgery on mice, rats, or rabbits.

AR0001  AR0002  AR0003A/B  AR0014

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

on going

Survival surgery (clinical skills) course (AR0019)

Hands on lab introducing the procedures for sterile surgery, tissue handling and suturing laboratory animals.

AR0001  AR0002  AR0003A/B  AR0014  AR0018  AR0020  AR0021

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Breeding colony and genetically engineered animals (theory) course (AR0022)

Mandatory online training for individuals who will be working with breeding colonies or genetically engineered animals

AR0001 AR0002  AR0003A/B  AR0014

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

on going

SCID Room Orientation Course (AR0025)

Mandatory room training for individuals who will need to work with immuno-compromised animals.

AR0001 AR0002 AR0003A/B  AR0004 AR0014

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Rabbit Handling Course (AR0026)

Mandatory hands on for individuals who will need to handle or perform procedures on rabbits.

AR0001 AR0002 AR0004

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Biosafety Level 2 Room Course (AR0027)

Mandatory room and procedural training for any individuals working under an application where animals are housed in BSL 2 conditions.

AR0001 AR0002 AR0004 AR0014

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Protocol Specific Clinical Technical Procedures (AR0028)

Specific training on techniques unique to an application eg. gavage, SC tumour cell injections, SC implants.

AR0001 AR0002  AR0003A/B AR0004 AR0014

Self-register using Go Sign Me Up

This course has a pre-requisites. 

Upon request at

Email for access to your current animal training records.