Each term SEED instructors teach unique courses over and above regular calendar-listed offerings that meet student or research needs. This spring term is no exception, as indicated by the lists below.
These special courses are provided to students as single sections, with course numbers taken from the University calendar as "reading courses" or "special topics". Often these courses are closed, one-off, intended to be delivered to only one or two students under special agreement with their supervisor, for example, to do training around a particular method or subject. Other times these are new courses under development that may grow over time to be listed in the University calendar -- these may be open to registration or available upon special permission from the instructor.
Spring 2021 closed courses:
SUSM 675 041 – Supply-chain sustainability, Professor Jeffrey Wilson
SUSM 675 042 – Space sustainability, Professor Steven Young
SUSM 675 043 – Sustainability management in the hospitality industry, Professor Jeffrey Wilson
SUSM 675 045 – Industrial ecology - concepts and methods, Professor Komal Habib
Spring 2021 open courses:

This undergraduate course explores the idea of ‘fashion’ through a sustainability lens. Contact Cheri Oestreich or Jennifer Lynes for a curriculum and availability.
SUSM 675 044 – Digital technology and sustainability development, Professor Larry Swatuk.
Digital technologies are often represented as essential instruments of sustainable development. This course considers a range of themes, theories, and ideologies to explore the complex relationship between sustainability, development, and the growing power of digital technologies. Contact Angie Hildebrand or Larry Swatuk for a curriculum and availability.
Consult SEED’s list of graduate elective courses or our undergraduate course outlines for more ideas on courses available.