Inspire change
The Master of Development Practice (MDP) program is a professional course-based program that positions graduates as global development professionals. This on-campus program can be completed in one year of full-time study.
MDP prepares students to better identify and address the challenges of extreme poverty and sustainable development through excellent course offerings. With a focus on sustainable development, the MDP offers courses from four intersecting areas: health, natural, social, and management sciences.
Field placements are a critical component of the MDP program and allows students to gain real-world practical experience in the development sector in countries such as India, Madagascar, Tanzania and Canada.
Our graduates work as:
Education Co-ordinator, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
Co-ordinator, The Hunger Project Canada
Executive Director, Thrive Uganda
Director, United Nations Association in Canada
Agriculture Consultant, Associations des Unions Maraichere des Niayes
Graduate Program Coordinator
Master of Development Practice (MDP)