Research opportunities

Funded research positions are currently available for Masters and PhD research graduate students in Sustainability Management. Professors may have specific positions or are seeking students to fit within a research grant or research program. For more information, or if you do not see your research interest listed below, please refer to individual faculty research interests.

Current research opportunities
Research area Information Professor contact Student eligibility Deadline
Sustainable food production and technology Life Cycle Assessment and Energy Analysis of Indoor Farming Systems (PDF) Goretty Dias Masters Ongoing
Weight of Cities Estimating material stocks and flows of buildings & infrastructure Komal Habib Masters Ongoing
Phosphorus budget Material Flow Analysis of Phosphorus Komal Habib Masters/PhD Ongoing
Waste and Resource Management Life cycle assessment of waste management systems Komal Habib Masters Ongoing
Future low-carbon society Estimating resource (abiotic) dependency of future low-carbon societies globally Komal Habib Masters Ongoing
Climate change risk management How do public and private institutions predict, assess, and manage climate change risk? What sources of uncertainty represent barriers to action and how do we manage them? Jason Thistlethwaite Masters or PhD Ongoing
Socio-economic vulnerability in a changing climate In risk assessment, how does consideration for socio-economic vulnerability influence institutional decision-making on strategy and public policy? Jason Thistlethwaite Masters or PhD Ongoing
Circular economy A smelter database to support materials flow analysis, business analytics and metallurgical engineering knowledge to characterize global recycling capacity. Steven Young Masters or PhD (chinese language desirable) Ongoing
Healthcare sustainability Including institutional and technical assessment of hospital waste, medical devices and disposables – with the aim of improving the sustainability of this large impactful industry. Steven Young Masters Ongoing

Please contact professors directly for more information.