More Than Business
Experience Matters
At the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF), we're not training accounting and financial professionals. We're inspiring the next generation of leaders who will help drive change in all areas of society by redefining what it means to be an accounting and financial professional.
SAF's world-class faculty, standard-setting curriculum and research, wealth of experiential learning opportunities attract inquisitive and agile minds who think like an entrepreneur to identify new opportunities, solve complex problems and make courageous business and financial decisions. SAF offers four distinct undergraduate programs to bring unique perspectives to business problems. SAF students and graduates create value by combining a management, mathematical, scientific, or computer science mindset to their financial management expertise.
Embedded in Waterloo's culture of innovation, SAF students and faculty tap into and contribute to the resources that inspires cross-disciplinary collaboration to push their expertise into new territories. Our alumni and faculty reach the top of their fields and shape the industry through a global perspective that champions innovation and courage. Our close ties with governing bodies and business allows us to lead the professions forward while transforming them.
At SAF we're always moving forward. We don't wait for change to come or react to it. We create it to turn opportunity to reality.
SAF Director's message
Blake Phillips is the Director of the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF, September 1, 2022 - ), the ninth director since the School was established in 1980. From 2018 – 2022, Blake served as the Deputy Director for the SAF.
Welcoming New Faculty
Welcome to Fall 2022 and with the beginning of the semester, SAF will be welcoming five new faculty members. We’re excited to have them with us and look forward to being inspired by their energy, research and expertise. Please join SAF in welcoming them to the School of Accounting and Finance.
Muhammad Azim, Assistant Professor
Cash may not be the most effective way to motivate employees
Tangible rewards motivate employees when they’re easy to use, pleasurable, unexpected, and distinct from salary, a new study found.
A recent survey of firms in the United States revealed that 84 per cent spent more than $90 billion annually on tangible employee rewards, such as gift cards, recreation trips and merchandise, in hopes of increasing productivity.
To be or not to be...that is the equestrian
The School of Accounting and Finance caught up with Laura, a current Equestrian Club member and Master of Accounting (MAcc) student to learn more about the Equestrian Club and its impact.
Did you know that the University of Waterloo has an Equestrian Club?
AFM student pursues her life-long passion by competing with the UWaterloo Equestrian Club!
"You are never a perfect rider, you always have something to learn, no matter how talented or experienced you are.” – Delaney, AFM student
Reflecting on an exciting term as an upper-year mentor
When I saw the opportunity to be an upper-year mentor this term with the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF), I knew I had to take it.