Research Data Resources

Bloomberg Professional service (the terminal) is the most powerful, flexible platform for financial professionals who need real-time data, news, analytics.
Access: Access via the SAF Finance and Bloomberg Labs. 

Canadian Financial Markets Research Centre (CFMRC)
Daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information.
Access: CFMRC

Capital IQ
Information on both public and private capital markets along with applications for analysis.
Access: Access via the SAF Finance and Bloomberg Labs. 

CCH AnswerConnect 
Full text of Canadian tax-related documents including the federal Income Tax Act, the Goods and services tax reporter, provincial tax reporters, the Intelliconnect newsletter, Wolters Kluwer tax centre.
Access: Access via the 
CCH AnswerConnect Portal.

Qualtrics: Online survey software. Allows researchers to prepare and host a survey that includes a wide variety of question types and applications, including text and graphic questions. Provides online data collection and analysis.
Access: Consult the IST Service Catalogue for access information.

Nexis Uni
Full-text news, business, and legal publications, with a variety of flexible search options.
Access: UW Library

News, business magazines, trade journals, newsletters, and television and radio transcripts from 1970s – present.
UW Library

Morningstar Direct
Data on closed and open-end mutual funds, equity ownership, ETFs, hedge funds and pension funds.
Access: Contact Samanta Baker for access information.

Search SEC Filings for financial and non-financial information such as board members, executive compensation, audit committee, and compensation committee through SeekiNF, a cloud technology by SeekEdgar.
Access: To activate your account go to SeekEdgar. Type in your UWaterloo email ( and the desired password to login. After entering this information, you will be sent an email asking you to activate the account. After you have activated your account by going to your email and clicking on the activation link provided, you are ready to use the search engine and the database with the same login combination used during the first login.

Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
The SSRN eLibrary consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 336,600 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 272,800 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. The eLibrary also includes the research papers of a number of Fee Based Partner Publications.
Access: SSRN

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
A web-based business data research platform from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. WRDS provides access to 79 business research databases, along with tools for using them.

Subscribed databases under WRDS include:

  • Audit Analytics - audit information on over 1,200 accounting firms and 15,000 publicly registered companies in U.S.
  • Bank Regulatory- accounting data for bank holding companies, commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loans institutions
  • CBOE Indexes: near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option prices
  • Compustat-North America: financial and market data for U.S. and Canadian firms
  • Compustat-Global: financial and market data for non-U.S. and non-Canadian firms
  • Compustat-Bank: financial data on approximately 600 of the leading United States banking institutions
  • Compustat-Segments: Key customers and segment information for  U.S. public firms
  • Compustat-Execucomp: Compensation information for executives and directors for S&P 1500 firms
  • CRSP: Security trading data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets
  • Direct Marketing Educational Foundation (DMEF): customer buying history for about 100,000 customers of nationally known catalog and non-profit database marketing businesses
  • Fama-French & Liquidity Factors: Fama-French portfolios and Liquidity factors
  • Federal Judicial Center: data on all federal, civil, criminal, bankruptcy, and appellate court case information reported by the courts to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
  • Federal Reserve Bank Reports: Historical foreign exchange rate and interest rates
  • IBES: Analyst forecast information and recommendations
  • Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS): Historical Governance, Historical Directors data,  and Shareholder Proposal data
  • MSRB: transaction trade data for municipal securities
  • OTC Markets: End of day pricing for securities trading on the OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink Marketplaces
  • Thomason Reuters-SDC: Deal terms for merge and acquisition
  • Thomason Reuters-DealScan: Historical information on the terms and conditions of deals in the global commercial loan market
  • Thomasan Reuters-Refinitivv ESG: Company’s relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes (emissions, environmental product innovation, human rights, shareholders, etc.)
  • TRACE: OTC corporate bond and agency debt bond transaction data
  • WRDS Beta Suite: market factors based on various risk models
  • WRDS Event Study: market return or volume reaction to firm-specific and market-wide events
  • WRDS Financial Ratio Suite: over 70 pre-calculated financial ratios for all U.S. companies across eight different categories
  • WRDS Subsidiary Data: company subsidiary data obtained from SEC filing's with Exhibit 21, including 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K and others
  • WRDS SEC MIDAS: Market trading metrics for over 8300 securities
  • WRDS World Indices: daily stock market indices for multiple countries
  • WRDS European Short Data: all significant short positions reported by institutional investors under the EU236 Rule. Coverage: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK.
  • WRDS Factors: contains trading signals that were created using common databases: CRSP Stocks, Compustat, and CRSP's CCM product to test investment strategies
  • WRDS SEC Analytics Suite: search investor’s holdings, readability and sentiment scores through the contents of SEC filings
  • WRDS Insiders: insider transactions parsed from SEC forms 3,4, and 5

Access: WRDS

Library Databases
Additional Databases accessible through the library.
Library liaison for the School of Accounting and Finance: Sandra Keys []