Fellowship Program

A man holding a portfolio comparing with with a woman holding a portfolio

About the Fellowship Program

The Fellowship Program, established in 2003, has proved to be a game-changer. Achieving a 20 year milestone, the Fellowship Program is reimagined so it can benefit students now and into the future.  The Fellowship Program reaffirms its purpose to help students get a deeper experience of the teaching and learning process within the School and represent the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) to the public, their peers in the undergraduate program, and the alumni community. 

The program produces outstanding leaders and future professionals by providing students with opportunities to grow and develop. Selected after first year for the AFM and SFM class, Fellows receive specialized training, work experience and the added benefit of financial compensation. Fellows are named after an Honouree - an alumnus who exemplifies the spirit of the AFM and SFM programs. Honourees can be a living example of a successful career, provide guidance, or offer advice to his/her Fellow.

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The Fellowship Program has given me the opportunity to partake in various roles to give back to the SAF community, meet new people, and develop my skills throughout my undergraduate career.

Manav Kapoor (BAFM '13, MAcc '13)

Participation in the Fellowship Program

Fellows (Students) Graduating 2025, 2026, and 2027

Students participating in the Fellowship Program (Fellows) inform Honourees about what they are learning in their classes and co-op jobs, and where their interests, abilities and passions lie. Fellows keep the title for the duration of their undergraduate studies and must maintain a high standard of academic excellence.

Fellows begin to hone their communication and leadership skills by being role models among their peers and getting specialized training. In years three and four, they complement their classroom and co-op learning experiences by serving as:

  • Course Assistants
  • Research Assistants
  • Ambassadors
  • SAF Representatives
  • Mentors or Peer Leaders
  • Special Project Assistants

These experiences enhance their credibility and confidence, and serve as the foundation for success in their future careers.


Students in the Fellowship Program:

  • Receive financial support of up to $9,000 over 4 years of the undergraduate program.
  • Gain professional development through specialized workshops, seminars, and Leadership and Ambassador training.
  • Build their résumé with roles as a teaching assistant and research assistant
  • Get involved in special projects, peer leadership, and the academic support sessions.
  • Be recognized as an outstanding AFM or SFM student.


Students maintaining the Fellowship:

  • Keep up grades of 80% or above in their cumulative overall average and their cumulative major average.
  • Participate in SAF events and Fellowship Program sessions as an active member of the Fellowship Program.
  • Uphold professional behaviour in- and outside of the classroom.
  • Remain in the AFM or SFM program with a full course load and successfully complete work terms and work-term reflections.
  • Fulfill their Fellowship Program task assignments including the participation in SAF Outreach and Ambassador Program (SOAP).

Fellows (Students) Graduating 2028 and Onward

Students participating in the Fellowship Program (Fellows) inform Honourees about what they are learning in their classes and co-op jobs, and where their interests, abilities and passions lie. Fellows keep the title for the duration of their undergraduate studies and must maintain a high standard of academic excellence.

Fellows begin to hone their communication and leadership skills by being role models among their peers and getting specialized training. In years three and four, they complement their classroom and co-op learning experiences by serving as:

  • Course Assistants
  • Research Assistants
  • Ambassadors
  • SAF Representatives
  • Mentors or Peer Leaders
  • Special Project Assistants

These experiences enhance their credibility and confidence, and serve as the foundation for success in their future careers.


Students in the Fellowship Program:

  • Receive financial support of up to $11,000 over 3 years of the undergraduate program.
  • Gain professional development through specialized workshops, seminars, and Leadership and Ambassador training.
  • Build their résumé with meaningful roles supervised by faculty and staff.
  • Get involved in special projects, peer leadership, and the academic support sessions.
  • Be recognized as an outstanding AFM or SFM student.


Students maintaining the renewable Fellowship:

  • Keep up grades of 80% or above in their cumulative overall average and their cumulative major average.
  • Participate in SAF events and Fellowship Program sessions as an active member of the Fellowship Program.
  • Uphold professional behaviour in- and outside of the classroom.
  • Remain in the AFM or SFM program with a full course load and successfully complete work terms.
  • Fulfill their Fellowship Program task assignments to the satisfaction of their task supervisor.

Honourees (Alumni)

Fellowships are named after distinguished SAF alumni (Honourees) who exemplify what can be accomplished in a professional career.

Honourees are nominated by their Waterloo classmates, colleagues, or SAF members. Each Honouree is matched with a student, and their relationship continues for the duration of the student’s undergraduate career at Waterloo.

Honourees offer mentoring, conversation, inspiration. In the process they gain insight into what the current generation has to offer and the challenges they face. Want to nominate someone to be an Honouree? Contact our SAF Alumni Team.

The Fellow-Honouree Relationship

Honourees and Fellows maintain and deepen their connection, and shape their relationship, in many ways, including these:

  • Exchanging e-mails
    • Fellows update Honourees about academic terms and co-op roles, sharing highlights and stories of professional development.
    • Honourees ask about their job hunt and about how their courses are going, and can give advice about career paths.
  • Meeting for coffee
    • Geography determines how and when to meet in person.
  • Participating in office tours
    • These tours give Fellows a chance to see a real-life professional environment and to be introduced to the Honouree’s colleagues, extending the Fellow’s professional network.
  • Sharing advice and wisdom
    • Fellows receive guidance on how to navigate career choices and educational goals.
    • Honourees get an opportunity to reflect on and make use of their own experiences.

Applying to the Fellowship Program

Students sitting at a table, with others in the background mingling

The Fellowship Program Committee is looking to have a group of students in the Fellowship Program that represents about 10% of their total class size. 

Committee members will fill the Fellowship Program placements for a class  with students at the beginning of Year 2, after students have had a chance to prove themselves as engaged AFM/SFM students.

The application forms will become accessible when the application process opens May 1, 2025 and closes August 1, 2025.

Interviews for Year 2 students selected for a Fellowship interview will take place in the week of August 11, 2025

Applying as a current AFM or SFM student

Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for Year 2 Fellowships through emails and postings on LEARN.

In order to apply, please fill out this form

The deadline for application is Friday August 1, 2025 at 11:59 PM.

Interviews for Year 2 Fellows will take place in the week of August 11, 2025, working with the students' schedules with the option for virtually conducted interviews. 

Year 2 Fellowship recipients are selected based on:

  • Academic performance,
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities,
  • Involvement in extracurricular or volunteer activities,
  • Enthusiasm for the opportunities that the Fellowship Program has to offer and commitment to participating in those opportunities.

The application form will ask you to submit:

  • A letter of intent
  • An unofficial transcript of marks showing the student’s academic performance at UW (minimum cumulative overall average of 80% and cumulative major average of 80%),
  • Your CV or resume, 
  • At least one letter of reference from a member of the SAF faculty or staff. For this letter of reference, we ask that the faculty or staff member fills out this form,
  • Other letters of reference that may not come from a member of SAF faculty or staff (optional).

From these documents it is determined which students will be offered an interview for the Fellowship Program and the outcome of the interview will be the deciding factor.

For any concerns in the application process, please send an email to saf-asst@uwaterloo.ca 

Please note that we will only be contacting students who are selected for an interview.