School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) Outreach & Ambassador Program (SOAP)

Picture of multiple students as SOAP ambassadors. Dressed in white shirts with orange ties.

About SOAP

Every September, students have the opportunity to apply to the School of accounting and Finance Outreach & Ambassador Program (SOAP).

As a valued member of SOAP, you will build and grow positive relationships within the SAF community and specifically with future students. You will also work closely with the SAF staff and peers to help enhance our recruitment events, social media presence, and high school outreach.

To be considered for SOAP, you must complete an online interview and attend a half-day training session designed to foster leadership, team building, and communication skills, as well as gain program-specific knowledge as it pertains to the recruitment cycle. All SAF students will be invited to apply to SOAP in mid-September. The invitation will include a link to complete your online application/interview.

Opportunities and events

If you're interested/passionate about growing our digital marketing efforts, fostering leadership/mentorship, and creating a strong sense of community among students, then SOAP is the program for you.

Marketing position: ambassadors will be responsible for social media content creation, appear in scripted and non-scripted program videos, and other marketing material as needed

Unibuddy position: ambassadors will be responsible for responding to prospective student inquiries via Unibuddy. This position requires ambassadors to respond within a 24-hr time frame, write blogs, and host/participate in Unibuddy presentations/events

Events position: ambassadors will be required to volunteer for live/virtual events specific to the term of hire. Events can include Fall Open House March Break Open House, You@Waterloo Day (Winter term), and DECA GRIT


  • Completion of the following:
    • SOAP interview
    • Half day professional development training
  • A strong desire to help enhance and be a part of the SOAP
  • A one year commitment to SOAP (from October - October)
  • A sense of responsibility to the advancement of SAF’s reputation and goal of attracting outstanding students
  • A clear understanding of the SAF messaging, especially as it pertains to future students
  • A passion for and knowledge of the School and your program
  • Advanced skills and/or characteristics in the following areas:
    • Communication (written and verbal)
    • Leadership
    • Commitment
    • Responsibility
    • Motivation/drive
    • Passion
    • Team player
    • Ability to make a great first impression


Any student who is registered in a full-time SAF program:

  • Accounting and Financial Management (AFM)
  • Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountant (Biotech/CPA)
  • Computing and Financial Management (CFM)
  • Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountant (Math/CPA)
  • Sustainability and Financial Management (SFM)

and meets the above-mentioned requirements can apply to the SOAP program. From there, representatives from the SAF Undergraduate Marketing and Recruitment team will contact a select group of students to move forward to the interview process.

Please note: Due to recent changes within the SOAP program, Fellowship students and previous Ambassadors are no longer guaranteed a position within SOAP for the 2022/2023 recruitment year. Therefore, if you're interested in continuing your Ambassador role, please submit your online application/interview.


If you have any questions about the new SAF Outreach Ambassador Program or how to apply, please contact Kelly Millar.