The Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) was held in-person for the first time in three years. Students, families, and guests came to the Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) to meet representatives from universities across the province. Prospective students were able to ask important questions and receive the information they need to make an informed decision about their future.

One of the best parts of being a marketing and recruitment co-op associate is the opportunity to interact with students at any stage of their academic career. At OUF, I had the chance to do just that. With thousands of high school students entering the MTCC, they were all eager to ask their questions and I was there with the answers!
Throughout the weekend I noticed a common theme. The most frequently asked question was about the admissions process. A lot of students were interested in the School of Accounting and Finance Admissions Assessment (SAFAA) and learning some tips and tricks on how to complete it. The best advice I could give is to treat the online interview just like a job interview. Be professional because you are applying to a professional school. For the trait assessment, do not overthink your answers. Go with your first instinct and then move on to the next question. There is also no need to complete the Admissions Information Form (AIF). All the information the admissions team requires is in the SAFAA. They do not even look at the AIF. This means one less thing you need to submit.
Overall, the OUF had really good energy and I cannot wait to see so more high schoolers at our Fall Open House on Saturday, November 5!