My SAF experience has provided me with all the skills required to be successful in this profession, especially through co-op opportunities. While I do believe that a degree is very important to provide fundamental knowledge, there is a lot of value in learning how to apply that knowledge practically to a real-life circumstance. I remember vividly a topic that I spent my first co-op doing came up in a later class and I felt much further ahead since I already had that direct experience while on placement. Even in the context of the CFE, I didn’t have any anxiety when it came to applying knowledge to a new fact scenario since I have dealt with it in co-op jobs previously.
In my professional field, my degree helped me become a more well-rounded practitioner, given that I have had exposure to analyzing various issues in taxation. When I am assigned a file involving technical work that I have never yet seen in practice, I often have a theoretical background of the issues which provides me with confidence prior to starting the project. Hence why when it came to the CFE, I didn’t have to think twice about choosing taxation as my elective for day two. I had such a robust background knowledge of the subject matter from my years at SAF and my own profession that I didn’t even need to study that section as much as the others!
Knowing that I was able to pass the CFE and be named to the Honour Roll provided me with a sense of satisfaction that I chose the right path for me professionally. I wouldn’t say that the achievement changed my career path, but rather it provides me with the confidence I need to continue on to the next milestone in my career. Moving forward from here, I strive to continue developing my ability to communicate effectively both orally and through writing. In addition to this, I aspire to always be in a position where I can learn. Our profession is very dynamic and changes quickly, so it is pivotal to be adaptive in order to be the best. Being a SAF alumnus and a CFE Honour Roll recipient definitely gives me a leg up on all my competitors and will definitely help me succeed professionally in my career while making my aspirations come true.