Where do I want to start my career? I know I want to be a business professional and I want to make an impact. As I learn and explore opportunities, my interests may change… and that’s a good thing.
I’ve worked for Deloitte in their tax and corporate development divisions to build my business acumen. Networking with upper-year students and alumni exposed me to diverse career paths. But my most impactful experience to date has been participating in “Success Beyond the Classroom”.
This seminar series taught me two things: 1) that financial professionals can have a large role in shaping corporate strategy, and 2) that being a financial professional can still mean being socially responsible. I’m now focused on doing things with purpose to contribute to society, which led me to volunteering for St. Paul’s Green House Innovation Program and UW Blueprint.
I feel good about giving back because the value that I’ve added to these social enterprises and the contributions I’ve made are made with purpose and has changed my outlook on the type of financial professional I want to be.
I’m eager to begin my next co-op work term [Fall 2019] to continue to build my skills, but this time, I’ll do it with purpose and for a social enterprise.
Come see how the AFM program can shape your future.