Since I live in the Kitchener-Waterloo region, it made sense to stay at home (after all, I had my whole room set up just the way I like it, and the pandemic meant that my couch and I were very good friends).
After a bit of debate, I decided to submit my campus housing form for Ron Eydt Village, and after being here for less than a week, I can say that it was an amazing choice! Like so many others, I was definitely nervous as I moved in. I barely knew my roommate– and now I had to meet new people across campus! I ended up having an amazing time getting to know the people on my floor along with my residence, and orientation helped me meet everyone from my faculty (Faculty of Arts– go orange!). It has definitely been a bit of a learning curve (and I recommend remembering to pack your socks!), but I am so glad that I decided to move in.