Extracurricular activities

Monday, May 13, 2019
by Kyrie H., Grade 12 HS student blogger

Too many to choose

When I think of university, I think of all work and no play. That is not the case at the University of Waterloo. At UW, there is a multitude of  extra-curriculars for anyone to take part in. I could try out for varsity or join recreational sports, or I could go to the gym every night and do my own thing, or I could take part in the A Cappella club, or another one of Waterloo’s 200+ clubs. I am a fan of anime and will definitely be checking out CTRL-A (club that really likes anime). The club promotes interest in animation predominantly of Japanese origin. Check out clubs like coffee lovers club, creative writing club, film creators club, visual arts club, and so many more. The number of clubs the university offers is close to endless and I am overwhelmed by the number of clubs I want to join when I finally get there. Another fun aspect of clubs is that I could also start my own! If I wanted, I could start a Kung-Fu club or chocolate club, which currently are not offered at the university. If you have a lot of free time and want to meet new people with the same interests as you, check out and maybe join a club or two and put yourself out there.