How Do I Decide?

When I first started looking into University programs I started on a website called e-INFO. The website was really easy for me to navigate, I just typed in accounting and finance to the search bar and it gave me a bunch of different program suggestions from different schools. I know I want to go to UW, so I looked into their AFM program first. It turns out that I need high grades to get into the program, which made me rethink my choice to apply for AFM only, as I don’t want to regret applying for it later if I don’t make it in. I also searched English and Drama as I’m interested in both of those as well and am undecided as to what I’m going to apply for in terms of picking between the two.
I’ve found that e-INFO is the easiest way to lookup university programs and their requirements, as the website is so straight forward. I plan on doing some more research on e-INFO and some other websites to hopefully help me decide on the three programs I will be applying for. If you are interested in reading a little bit more about the process behind picking a program, feel free to check out my blog “Choosing a Program and Courses”.