Hello everyone! We’re the meals and logistics team for the Spring 2023 International Study Course trip to Vietnam! Our team has four members, consisting of Emily, Jacob, Rebekah, and Donald. As the meals and logistics team, our responsibilities are to arrange accommodations and transportation, and to plan out our trip’s schedule to make sure that everything goes smoothly as we explore Vietnam.
What skills have you been learning through being a part of the International Study Course trip?

Rebekah, third-year Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accounting (Math/CPA) student:
I have been learning a lot through the process of organizing our trip. I have been practicing my communication skills by receiving input from classmates, providing updates to the other teams, and interacting with contacts and hotels in Vietnam. Being on logistics also requires a lot of planning and consideration to detail, which is particularly important for a trip with so many moving parts, as we are getting ready to travel to both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh. I have not traveled much, so I am especially excited to visit Vietnam for the first time. I am looking forward to learning more about Vietnamese culture, history, and language throughout this trip.

Emily, third-year Math/CPA student:
Planning the logistics for our trip to Vietnam has been a new and eye-opening experience for me. There is so much to consider as we plan this student-led trip, such as the location of our hotels, the restaurants, and corporate meetings, as well as how we’ll travel within Vietnam and how we can ensure our safety as a group. I’ve learned to pay close attention to details so that our logistics team can pick the best, most reliable, and affordable options. I like how much responsibility rests upon us students to organize the trip and how involved we are every step of the way.

Jacob, second-year Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student:
One thing I have learned so far in this course is the reasoning behind different decisions. Having to compile a large list of many hotels, transportation options, and flight options may have been time-consuming, but it was a good learning experience being able to compare the different options. This involved weighing the pros and cons, price points, and other factors to get to our final choices. I am really looking forward to travelling to Vietnam for the first time, hearing and learning from international business professionals, and trying all the local food.

Donald, third-year AFM student:
Being part of the meals and logistics has provided me with a valuable learning experience in logistics planning. It has been fascinating to explore the various aspects involved in organizing a student-led trip, such as selecting suitable accommodations, arranging transportation within Vietnam, and ensuring the safety and well-being of our group. Attention to detail has become a crucial skill as we meticulously compare options and consider factors like reliability and affordability. The responsibility entrusted to us as students in putting together the trip has been empowering, allowing us to actively participate in decision-making and experience the real-world implications of our choices. As we prepare to embark on this journey, I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to immerse myself in Vietnamese culture, engage with international businesses, and indulge in the diverse local cuisine.