Our team (from left to right: Anshul, Baldwyn, and Rebecca) recently had the opportunity to compete in the Young Tax Professionals (YTP) Case Competition on June 16, 2023. We had a great experience where we got to use the tax knowledge, research abilities and presentation skills that we have learned from our undergraduate and master’s programs.

The YTP Case Competition is an annual competition, and this year’s theme was focused on the changes in the federal budget regarding the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Our team needed to present a lunch and learn to a panel of judges to teach them about the changes, including a background on AMT, the goals of the changes, a comparison to the AMT in the United States, as well as some recommendations.
We were challenged to use our creativity by communicating our newfound knowledge through case examples to show the impact of the proposed changes. What we learned through this competition expanded our knowledge on tax laws and regulations, as well as how to present technical information in an easy-to-digest presentation format. Participating in this case competition also helped us grow a greater interest in the tax field and the skills we will need to be successful in the workforce.
Lastly, as team members Baldwyn and Rebecca are currently studying in the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program, they were able to share valuable insights with fellow team member and undergraduate student, Anshul, into what they are learning in the master’s level program and how to better prepare for the future.