Hello incoming students!
My name is Jared, and I am going into my second year in the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program at Waterloo. This summer, I decided to be a peer mentor for the Waterloo Ready program. You may have taken part in it, but if you didn’t, Waterloo Ready is a new initiative by the university to help incoming students with their transition to university.

Talking to you all made me realize how much changes in a year. It is hard to believe that just last year, I was in your position, and, now, I am the one who’s knowledgeable and supposed to have all of the answers. It was a little bit surreal hearing you ask the same questions that I had, except this time, I was the one answering.
I’m telling you this because the first year is tough for a lot of people, and, because of COVID-19, this year is going to have a whole new set of challenges. This term is going to be very different, especially for you all because it is your first year of university. I hope that I was able to help ease some of your concerns through Waterloo Ready, nevertheless, there are still going to be obstacles, but you’ll figure it out. While there may be a few bumps in the road, everything will work out in the end.
"My best advice for you is to try not to stress too much and enjoy your first year at Waterloo."