Helping Prospective Students and Virtually Enriching SAF’s Community

Today, I’ll provide some insight and reassurance to help you overcome those butterflies and to look forward to becoming a university student. Let’s begin by congratulating yourself for taking the first step: researching programs to see if they’re the right fit for you.
Having patted yourself on the back, the biggest piece of advice I can provide is to focus on the process of applying, one application at a time, rather than dreading the outcome of acceptance. Ensure you manage your time well when completing applications with diligence by tracking your progress and deadlines and spacing out your work. Don’t cram the night before the application is due! Finally, just remember that it’s okay to be uncertain about what career path you want to pursue as you have ample time and resources to explore your interests! After all, university enables you to expand your horizons while you commence a new chapter in your life.
As for a little sneak peek into your possible future here at the University of Waterloo, I would love to share what you can expect in AFM! Working and studying in an online environment can be challenging, however, SAF has done a wonderful job in fostering a sense of community, even if you’re tuning in from your childhood bedroom. With your ‘crewmates’ and regular coffee chats with your professors, you can curate impactful relationships virtually and even learn from upper years through ongoing speaker events. Embrace your learning by leveraging the vast resources and support structures dedicated to your success!