Logistics Team NYC 2020

Thursday, August 6, 2020
by NYC Logistics Team - International Study Trip Course S20

Hello Fellow Students!


We are the logistics team reporting from our virtual International Study Trip course classroom. Our team, consisting of Cedric, Dawson, Matthew, and Michael, has been working extremely hard to make sure the organization of our virtual trip goes smoothly and seamlessly. Although we were unable to physically visit New York, we have been making the best of this opportunity by organizing meetings with industry executives from all around the world! This August, we will spend a week meeting with renowned business people from different industries in hopes of learning more about their profession and how it may affect our future career choices.


Luckily, our roles and responsibilities have not been drastically affected by COVID. Our team meets weekly to discuss and coordinate topics that will be discussed at our bi-weekly International Study Trip class. In addition, we create the meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and organize the resources that are used by the class within our Google Drive. Currently, we are working with the Corporate Relations team to ensure that our meeting process is seamless.

One of our more memorable logistics meetings involved our collective effort to reach out to celebrities within the New York area. In an effort to contribute to our August meetings, we wanted to see if we could find a “face of New York” type of celebrity such as Jay-Z, Spike Lee or Mayor De Blasio. Although we are currently unsuccessful at setting up a meeting as of creating this blog post, we are holding out hope that someone will respond before we fill up all our meeting slots!


Despite the virtual setting of our class, we have all been able to make meaningful connections through in-class banter, virtual coffee chats, and overall collaboration amongst our teams. These interactions have given us the opportunity to learn from the individuals in our class who all come from unique and diverse backgrounds. There aren’t many opportunities where you can develop meaningful relationships with your professor, TA, and students from all years within SAF.


The biggest challenge for the logistics team this term was finding areas to improve upon for different aspects of our duties. Since the previous International Study Trip course was also a virtual trip, they created the foundation for many of the tools we have been using this term. Nevertheless, some improvements that we have made include creating a WebEx instruction manual for our interviewees to help troubleshoot any potential technical issues, and developing a user-friendly colour-coded schedule for our meeting week.

Although this wasn’t the trip that we envisioned several months ago, it has been a unique and educational experience. We have learned that the barriers of global communication are continually decreasing and that connections can truly be made through any medium. Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to go on a post-pandemic global expedition with our fellow students in the near future. Until then, we hope to provide more information about our journey leading up to our August meetings and share the lessons and experiences we will surely gain from our meetings!

Learn more about the SAF International Study Trip course.