My delicious experience at the March Open House

Friday, April 5, 2024
by Sydney S., Marketing and Recruitment Associate
Co-op student Sydney spelling out SAF with her body.

When it comes to on-campus events, I’m typically a nervous mess, but this day – the University of Waterloo’s March Open House – was different. Representing the University as an ambassador calmed my nervousness and instead, I was overcome with the excitement of meeting prospective students and their families, getting to know them, sharing smiles and laughter, and telling them all about the School of Accounting and Finance. It was a great day, not to mention a distraction for my introverted tendencies. 

Did I mention there were treats? To set the record straight: I wasn't indulging in all the delectable scones and macarons just to kill time, but rather, I had taken it upon myself to do a little quality control inspection on our baked goods to ensure they were up to our standards (if my boss asks, tell her that and not that I had a sugar rush). 

When I wasn’t snacking, I led many families on tours and engaged in lively conversations about our programs. One encounter that’s etched into my memory involves two girls who were bubbling with enthusiasm about our programs. They were overflowing with curious excitement at all that SAF has to offer and were joyfully planning their futures together, specifically interested in our International Study Course. They looked forward to gaining experience traveling whilst learning about the impact of relevant world issues on the dynamic global landscape.

At the end of the day, my overall experience was delightful, and it was a bonus that I got to take home some snacks for my friends. It was a great learning opportunity for me and all the prospective students!  

Make sure to join us next time! (And maybe stick around 'til the end to take home some extra snacks).