From Classroom to the Lang Tax Case Conference

Tuesday, December 1, 2020
by Alicia Y - AFM

Photo of Alicia
There is no better time to try new things than in this virtual learning environment! In early November, I participated in my first case competition with a few friends at the University of Guelph’s first ever Lang Tax Case Conference. Our team proposed tax initiatives that would contribute to decreasing the federal deficit, while also targeting the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals.

Juggling our individual commitments as well as the demands of this competition, my team brainstormed tax initiatives individually before meeting virtually to share our ideas and narrow down our final proposal. By doing so, we discovered a variety of options as we had approached the issue from different lenses, shaped by our individual experiences and knowledge. I believe that the foundational concepts presented in AFM 362 and 363 provided our team with a strong basis when coming up with feasible yet creative solutions that targeted real-world issues. I also found that the team environment fostered by SAF facilitated the smooth collaboration and creative process of this challenge.

I believe this experience provided opportunities for me to connect with other students and industry professionals while also expanding my technical knowledge. It was very interesting learning about tax initiatives implemented by different countries; being able to compare-and-contrast how different nations generate tax revenues complemented the Canadian-focused tax courses offered at SAF. I was able to witness how skills development emphasized by the School provided our team with a competitive edge.

Winning first place at this competition, I am confident that SAF provides its students with strong technical training as well as the necessary tools to succeed beyond the classroom. There are many opportunities available for students to apply classroom knowledge, expand your network, and further develop soft skills. I strongly encourage students to challenge themselves by participating in a case competition during their post-secondary career!