What the marketing and culture team has been working on in the International Study Course

Next up on our to-do list is to buy the tickets to the activities we plan to go to ahead of time. This will help us when we are in Singapore as we will be able to skip any ticket queues and head straight to our activity. We only have a limited amount of time in Singapore and we do not want to spend any of it waiting in lines!
Furthermore, our team has done a deep dive into the history, geography, and cultural customs of Singapore. President Halimah Yacob who was elected in 2017 is the first female president in the country’s history. Important points that we will be keeping in mind are that chewing gum is illegal in Singapore, and it is frowned upon to eat and drink while on public transit. That’s very different from the way we live here in Canada where you can always find someone with a coffee cup in hand! Finally, one of the aspects of Singapore that we are most excited about is the weather—the team is looking forward to the 25-32℃ temperatures (especially after the recent winter storm)!
The marketing and culture team has also been working closely with the School of Accounting and Finance to share our experiences through social media content. You might have already seen the blogs and the various Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn posts introducing the team. There will be more social media content to come so keep your eye out for the Instagram takeover where you will be able to ask us your questions regarding the course or Singapore.