Hi, I’m Isabel, it’s nice to meet you! I’m a fourth-year student studying Biotechnology and Chartered Professional Accountancy. I value understanding the world around me and learning from people of different work/educational backgrounds, hence my choice in pursuing this program!
It’s super easy to get caught up in the details of lectures and textbook assignments, without stepping back to truly understand the bigger picture. Connecting with others in the YTP (young tax professionals) community to learn about their work experiences along with exploring my own, has helped me connect what I’ve learned in school with real problems that clients experience on the job.
Contrary to popular belief, taxation doesn’t actually entail filling out government forms all day. What I love about being a young tax professional is that it provides many opportunities to become a well-rounded individual. The world of taxation involves taking on a business advisor role: combining the knowledge of accounting, legislation, data analytics, and effective communication to ultimately help clients reach their business goals. It’s really no different than the process consultants take to understand a client to give them advice involving going public, restructuring, or even expanding into other countries.
It’s completely valid to have gaps within your knowledge. Filling those gaps is what developing as a professional is all about. I want to emphasize the importance of venturing out into different industries throughout co-op. It’s just as equally important to understand what you DON’T enjoy, as well as what you DO enjoy. Taking advantage of communities such as YTP to learn about other people’s experiences will assist with your personal and professional development.
I’m excited to be a part of YTP for the next few years and would love to hear your story too.