Hi, my name is Gloria and I just finished my 2B term as an Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student at Waterloo. Now that I am at the half-way point in my undergraduate degree, it is a good time to reflect on a few of my experiences so far.
Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching
I have always been a keen learner; I want to learn new things, strengthen my skills, and become a better person. In the past two years, I have been an Arts Orientation Leader, Peer Leader for the Living-Learning Community, and Peer Mentor for incoming students.

In case you don't know, Waterloo Ready gives incoming students personal connections with other students, insider tips and resources to successfully navigate their first year. My role as a Waterloo Ready peer mentor this summer was challenging because I had to coordinate weekly meetings for a group of 12 students. Usually, as students, we just listen to others and rarely lead. But in this case, I was the speaker and was leading the meetings. This really helped me develop my communication and leadership skills. It was also quite fun to share my experiences and advice to incoming students -- I enjoy helping others.
Overall, this experience as a peer mentor has helped me grow into a better person. For my next goal, I will aim to be a Peer Support Learning Champion so that I can help and mentor even more university students!