Standing out as a professional
I know how daunting the thought of a job search can be. For this very reason, as September came to an end, I was eager to attend the Launch Your Career event!
I know how daunting the thought of a job search can be. For this very reason, as September came to an end, I was eager to attend the Launch Your Career event!
Recently, I participated in the Schulich RISE Strategy Discipline Case Competition, where delegates from various prestigious Canadian universities compete with each other by solving a complex business problem.
Our names are Joyce, Effy, Danielle, and Muhammad, and we competed in the Schulich RISE Case Competition in the Entrepreneurship discipline. After two days of hard work, we emerged with a third place win!
Hey Warriors! How’s it going? My name is Saihaj, and I’m a first-year student in the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program. Fun fact: I am also a Reporter with the school newspaper, Imprint!
I think that participating in and winning the Schulich RISE business strategies case competition has showed me the benefits of pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and being confident in my abilities!
Throughout my university career, I’ve always strived to become the best person I can be. That’s why I believed that entering the Schulich RISE competition would not only help me work towards this goal but also provide me with learning opportunities and a great experience.
My teammates and I participated in the first ever virtual Schulich RISE Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) competition earlier this term. It was definitely an interesting experience...
…What a wild ride!
The RISE competition is Schulich's multi-disciplinary case competition, in which delegates compete in a case simulation in a discipline of their choice and present it to industry professionals. The 5 disciplines that teams competed in were: Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Strategy. My team participated in the corporate social responsibility discipline.