CFA Institute Research Challenge

Arnav (AFM), Ronis (AFM), Ryan (MAcc), Coco (MAcc), and Aryaman (MAcc)

First place in the 2024 Global Finals!


cfa irc 2023 team pic

The 2023 CFA IRC team; Philbert C, Si Nan R, Jennie L, Sonia B, and Rocky L., won the Local (Ontario) competition! Not pictured above are Faculty Advisor, Steve Balaban, and Industry Mentor, Jeannine LiChong.


"At its core, the CFA IRC is a stock pitch competition, which means you have to know how to build, present and defend your valuation. That being said, it’s so much more than that. Above and beyond your valuation, you have to fully understand the business and its strategy. Put yourself in the shoes of the CEO and ask yourself how the company is going to unlock value for investors. What truly makes a team stand out is their ability to tie it all together, linking every qualitative factor of the business to the quantitative projections and backing up every argument with in-depth analyses."

- Brenden Mick, team captain

Read Brendan's blog

“Five months and hundreds of hours on video calls later, I can confidently say that the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Research Challenge (CFA IRC) has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of thus far. Participating in this competition was an opportunity to represent the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) and the University of Waterloo on a global stage, learn from the best, and become an expert on one special company: Empire Company Limited.”

- Anna Shen

Read Anna's blog

"For most of us, when we ask ourselves why we went to university the overarching answer is to better prepare us for the real world. To do so, we must experience personal and professional development. During my time at the University of Waterloo, I have found that while school, extra-curricular activities, and co-op experience are all critical components to one’s learning, competitions cannot be overlooked. Participating in the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Research Challenge (CFA IRC) has been an incredible experience and allowed me to combine the knowledge and skills I have gained over the past few years."

- Noah Yabrov

Read Noah's blog