The Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario) celebrated the appointments of those named to CPA Fellowship. Among the 50 newly named FCPAs, were 8 SAF alumni and Dave Vert, retired faculty member of Waterloo’s School of Accounting and Finance (SAF).
The FCPA designation is a prestigious honorary designation awarded to CPAs who, through their outstanding achievements including community leadership, bring distinction to the accounting profession and serve as a role model to others. FCPAs are nominated by their peers, who have recognized their exemplary qualities and contributions.
The University of Waterloo and SAF congratulates Dave and all our SAF alumni in receiving this prestigious designation as recognition of their accomplishments and the many years of service to the profession.
- Janice Deganis (BA ’90)
- Jennifer Fiddian-Green (BA ‘94)
- Rosa Maria Iuliano (MAcc ‘98)
- Wendy Kei (BMath ‘81)
- Matthew McGuire (MAcc ‘02)
- Anilisa Sainani (MAcc ‘06)
- Michael Alan Scott (BMath ‘82)
- Aazar Zafar (MAcc ‘99)
Humbled by the recognition
Retired in May 2020, Vert was a Continuing Lecturer for SAF teaching business valuations for the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program. “I am both delighted and humbled to have received this honour from a profession that has already given me so much,” states Vert. “Over the course of my career in both public accounting practice and academia I have been fortunate to work with and learn from so many individuals whom I admire and respect.”
Vert served as Director of the MAcc program between 2008 to 2013 as well as serving on professional boards for both CPA Ontario (2013 – 2019) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (2013 – 2018), in which Vert also holds designation. His service with CPA Ontario’s Council and its Governance and Nominations Committee led to the merger of the profession’s legacy bodies and the evolution of a new governance structure. He also oversaw the implementation of a modernized Council elections process and participated in a comprehensive review of the organization's governing documents.
Always humble and generous of his time, Vert recalls “Very few, if any, of my accomplishments were solo acts. Being on teams with smart and dedicated colleagues has always been the fuel for my engine. Of course, my biggest source of pride is having had the opportunity to assist many of SAF’s outstanding students and alumni in their own journey towards the CPA designation and success in the profession.”