Professor, Financial Accounting, Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor

Elizabeth has taught and/or presented her research at institutions and conferences in more than 30 countries around the world. Her recent research interests are related to the role of non-financial information, including linguistic measures derived from textual analysis of corporate communications and companies’ ESG scores, in assessing and predicting firm performance. Her studies have been published in the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Review of Accounting Studies, the Harvard Business Review, and other top outlets, and they are widely cited in both the academic literature and in the financial press (The Economist, Fortune, Forbes, Financial Times, etc.). Her consulting activities include financial statement analyses and “red flag reviews” for hedge funds and other institutional investors, research and teaching presentations to investment fund managers, and litigation support for the quantification of economic damages.
Read the full story in the Arts Computing Office Newsletter.