Education and certifications
- Bachelor of Arts (University of Waterloo)
- Master of Accounting (University of Waterloo)
- PhD (Cornell University)
- Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA); Fellow Chartered Professional Accountant (FCPA)
Brief biography
Christine is interested in financial reporting and governance issues, including the determinants of firms' financial reporting and disclosure choices, the role of regulation on corporate fraud, and the interpretation of accounting information by capital market participants. Current projects examine: regulation and aggressive financial reporting; disclosure strategies for restatement firms; managerial learning from the CDS market; and, gender bias.
Working papers
Download copies of current working papers.
Selected publications
K. Chen, D. Henderson, and C. Wiedman. 2021. Voluntary Disclosure of Disaggregated Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Information around Restatements. Forthcoming, Accounting Horizons.
K. Hrazdil, J. Novak, R. Rogo, C. Wiedman and R. Zhang. 2020. Measuring Executive Personality using Machine-Learning Algorithms: A New Approach and Audit Fee-Based Validation Tests. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 47(3-4): 519-544.
C. Wiedman. 2020. Rewarding Collaborative Research: Role Congruity Bias and the Gender Pay Gap in Academe. Journal of Business Ethics, 167 (4): 519-544.
V. P. Baloria, K. J. Klassen and C. I. Wiedman. 2019. Shareholder Activism and Voluntary Disclosure Initiation: The Case of Political Spending. Contemporary Accounting Research, 36 (2): 904-933.
V. P. Baloria, C. A. Marquardt and C. I. Wiedman. 2017. A Lobbying Approach to Evaluating the Whistleblower Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Reform Act of 2010, Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (3): 1305-1339.
C. Marquardt and C. Wiedman. 2016. Can Shareholder Activism Improve Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards? Corporate Governance: An International Review, 24 (4): 443-461.
- C. Wiedman and K. Hendricks. 2013. Firm accrual quality following restatements: A signaling view. Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting, 40 (9-10), 1095-1125.
- M. R. Huson, Y. Tian, C. Wiedman, and H. Wier. 2012. Compensation committees' treatment of earnings components in CEO's terminal years. The Accounting Review, 87 (1), 231-259.
- K. Hendricks, M. Hora, L. Menor and C. Wiedman. 2012. Adoption of the Balanced Scorecard: A Contingency Variables Analysis. Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 29 (2): 124-138.
- C. Wiedman and D. Henderson. 2011. The Transition to IFRS: Erasing pension losses, Ivey Business Journal, November/December 2011.
- D. Henderson and C. Wiedman. 2011. Will Changes Bring Transparency? CA Magazine, June/July 2011.
- T. Scott, C. I. Wiedman, and H. Wier. 2011. Transaction Structuring and Canadian Convertible Debt. Contemporary Accounting Research, 28 (3), 1046-1071.
- C. I. Wiedman. 2009. Discussion of “Quarterly Earnings Patterns and Earnings Management”. Contemporary Accounting Research, 26 (3), 833-841.
- C. Marquardt and C. I. Wiedman. 2007. Economic Consequences of Regulation of Financial Reporting: The Case of Contingent Convertible Debt. Review of Accounting Studies, 12 (4), 487-523.
- C. Marquardt and C. Wiedman. 2007. Disclosure, Incentives, and Contingently Convertible Securities. Accounting Horizons, 21 (3), 281-294.
- C. Marquardt and C. I. Wiedman. 2005. Earnings management through transaction structuring: Contingent convertible debt and diluted EPS. Journal of Accounting Research, 43 (2), 205-243.
- C. Wiedman and H. Wier. 2005. Defined-benefit pension plans: The staying power of deficits. Ivey Business Journal Online, September / October 2005, 1-9.
- C. I. Wiedman and H. A. Wier. 2004. The market value implications of post-retirement benefit plans and plan surpluses – Canadian evidence. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 21(3), 229-241.
- C.A. Marquardt and C. I. Wiedman. 2004. How are earnings managed? An examination of specific accruals. Contemporary Accounting Research, 21 (2), 461-491.
- C.A. Marquardt and C. I. Wiedman. 2004. The effect of earnings management on the value relevance of accounting information, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 31 (3 & 4) 297-332.
- C. I. Wiedman. 2002. The power of the auditor. CA Magazine, December, 39-43.
- C. I. Wiedman and D. J. Goldberg. 2002. Pension Accounting – Coming to light in a bear market. Ivey Business Journal, May/June, 38-41.
- C. I. Wiedman and H. A. Wier. 1999. Management of note disclosures: The case of unconsolidated subsidiaries prior to FAS No. 94. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 14(1), 73-94.
- C.A. Marquardt and C. I. Wiedman. 1998. Voluntary disclosure, information asymmetry, and insider selling through secondary equity offerings, Contemporary Accounting Research, 15(4), 505-537.
- C. I. Wiedman. 1996. The relevance of characteristics of the information environment in the selection of a proxy for the market's expectations for earnings. Journal of Accounting Research, 34(2), 313-324.
- J. A. Elliott, D. R. Philbrick, C. I. Wiedman. 1995. Evidence from Archival Data on the Relation Between Security Analysts' Forecast Errors and Prior Forecast Revisions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 11 (2), 919-938.
- K. B Hendricks, V. Singhal, and C. I. Wiedman. 1995. The Impact of Capacity Expansion on the Market Value of the Firm. Journal of Operations Management, 12 (3-4): 259-272.
Editorial boards
- Contemporary Accounting Research, 2007 - 2020
- Accounting Perspectives, 2004 - present
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2004 - present
- Technical Editor, Education Section, CA Magazine, 2008 - 2011
- L.S. Rosen Outstanding Educator Award, Canadian Academic Accounting Association, 2020
- Best Paper Award, Haskell and White Corporate Reporting & Governance Conference
- University of Waterloo Outstanding Performance Award in Teaching and Scholarship, Faculty of Arts, 2011
- KPMG Professorship, 2009 - 2021
- Best Paper Award, Financial Accounting and Reporting Section, American Accounting Association, 2007
- Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (FCA) Ontario, 2006
- F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellowship, Richard Ivey School of Business, 2005
- Lawrence G. Tapp Excellence in Teaching Award, Ivey MBA Association, 2005
- Natalie MacClean and Andrew Waitman Fellowship, Richard Ivey School of Business, 2001
- Ivey Honours Business Administration (HBA) David Burgoyne Award for outstanding commitment to student development, 2001
- University of Waterloo Gender Equity Research Grant, "Gender Parity in Academe", 2016, $7,314
- Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)/Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) Research Grant, "Restatements and disclosure quality", with Darren Henderson, 2010, $7,500
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), "Improving earnings quality", with Carol Marquardt, 2007-2010, $54,000
- SSHRC, "Convertible debt", with Heather Wier, Tom Scott and Alan Webb, 2006-2009, $48,299
- Deloitte & Touche/CAAA Research Grant, "Assessing the accounting for defined benefit pension plans in the aftermath of a bear market", with Heather Wier, 2004, $8,500
- SSHRC, "The balanced scorecard: processes, effectiveness, and firm performance", with Kevin Hendricks and Larry Menor, 2002-2005, $68,000
- SSHRC, "Opportunities and incentives to manipulate earnings: studies of CEO's in their terminal year", with Heather Wier and Mark Huson, 2001-2004, $69,000
Professional service
- Accounting Standards Oversight Council (AcSOC), 2017 - present
- Academic Advisory Council to the Canadian Accounting Standards Board, 2005 - 2017
- National Communications Committee, Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 2000 - 2003
Courses taught
- ACC 701 - Financial Accounting Research Seminar
- ACC 611 - External Reporting
- AFM 504 - Issues and Problems in External Reporting
- AFM 291 - Intermediate Accounting I
- AFM 391 - Intermediate Accounting II