Continuing Lecturer, Deputy Director Student Experience
Office: Hagey Hall 3102

Phone: 519-888-4567 x42570
Education and certifications
- BA (Queen's University)
- JD (University of Toronto)
- MBA (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Member of Law Society of Ontario, Canada
Brief biography
My teaching and writing interests relate to business law generally, and more specifically employment and information technology law, privacy issues, and business ethics.
Selected publications
- Charters, D, "Intrusion Upon Seclusion One Year Later: Trickle or Floodgate?, Canadian Privacy Law Review, March, 2013.
- Charters, D, "Privacy, Ethics, and Technology", in Business Ethics: Concepts, Cases, and Canadian Perspectives, ed. Kissick, P., 2012.
- Charters, D., S. Gunz, and V. Schoner, 'Using the Case Study Approach to Challenge Students in an Introductory Business Law Course', Journal of Legal Studies in Education, volume 26, No. 1, 2009, pg. 47-86.
- Charters, D., 'Managing Privacy Breaches', Management (CMA Canada's Management Magazine), February, 2008.
- Brown, R., D. Charters, S. Gunz and N. Haddow, 'Age Rating in Auto Insurance Equitable or Unfair Discrimination?' , Contingencies (American Academy of Actuaries), Sept.-Oct., 2007.
- Brown, R., D. Charters, S. Gunz and N. Haddow, 'Colliding Interests and Age as an Insurance Rating Variable: Freedom of Contract or Unjust Discrimination"' , Journal of Business Ethics , volume 72, 2007, pg. 103-114.
- Charters, D., S. Gunz, and J. McCutcheon, 'Pacific West Credit Union Version 1, Version 2, and Teaching Note' , CIBER and the European Case Clearing House , 2005.
- Charters, D., 'Managing Employee Information' , Management (CMA Canada's Management Magazine) , April, 2005.
- Charters, D., 'Traversing Privacy Minefields' , research monograph sponsored by UWCISA , 2004.
- Bird, R. and D. Charters, 'Good Faith and Wrongful Termination: A United States and Canadian Comparative Perspective' , American Business Law Journal , volume 41, No.2-3, 2004, pg. 205-250.
- Charters, D., 'Electronic Monitoring and Privacy Issues in Business-Marketing: The Ethics of the DoubleClick Experience' , Journal of Business Ethics , volume 35(4), 2002, pg. 243-254.
- Charters, D., 'The Challenge of Completely Ethical CI and the CHIP Model', Competitive Intelligence Review, volume 12(3), 2001, pg. 44-54. This article was reprinted in 'Ethics of Spying- A Reader for the Intelligence Professional' J. Goldman (ed.), Holding Publisher, 2006
- Master Teacher Competition Finalist (with Sally Gunz), Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 2006
Professional service
- Co-founder, member, and former treasurer (2014-2021), Canadian Academy of Legal Studies in Business
- Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Business Ethics
- Member of the University of Waterloo Centre for Accounting Ethics
- Member of the University of Waterloo Centre for Information Systems Assurance
Consulted to such organizations as the Law Commission of Canada, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario, and Canadian Public Accountability Board.
Courses taught
- Accounting (ACC) 623 - IT Law
- Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) 311 - Connections to Ethical Context
- Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) 231 - Business Law
- Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) 335 - Business Law for Financial Managers
- Have previously taught business law courses in Waterloo's Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business and David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, as well as Wilfrid Laurier's undergraduate and graduate business programs.